Rupert Murdoch: An Investigation of Political Power by David McKnight

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] lack of it, of the British political class, willingly subordinating itself to such a man. How have we come to this sad state of affairs? David McKnight’s new book, an investigation of Murdoch’s political power, is arguably the best account of this that we have. So far it has only been published in Australia, […]

War on Terror Inc: Corporate Profiteering from the Politics of Fear

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] in this case, that the private sector could implement change faster than the state, could shake-up the rigid bureaucracies of the Pentagon and MOD to create the new, dynamic forces for the rapidly changing strategic environments (etc. etc., boilerplate, boilerplate). And hey, if we make a load of money in the process, so much […]

Hack Attack: How The Truth Caught Up With Rupert Murdoch by Nick Davies

Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014) FREE

[PDF file]: […] to undermine the military effort in Afghanistan for political advantage. After Brown’s defeat, Murdoch, Brooks and co must have felt that their power and influence had reached new, triumphant heights. With Andy Coulson at No 10, with Brooks having established herself as Cameron’s best friend and riding partner3 and with their creature Gove at […]

Impossible Knowledge, and, The Stigmatization of Conspiracy Theory since the 1950s

Lobster Issue

Impossible Knowledge Conspiracy Theories, Power, and Truth Todor Hristov London and New York: Routledge, 2019, £45 (UK), h/b The Stigmatization of Conspiracy Theory since the 1950s “A Plot to Make us Look Foolish” Katharina Thalmann London and New York: Routledge, 2019, £29.99 (UK), p/b Robin Ramsay Todor Hristov alerted this reader in his short […]

The Man Who Played With Fire, and, The Man in the Brown Suit

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] James Parris (the pen name of Dr Harry Harmer) has written a fine account, diligently pulled together from archival sources. There are many accounts of verbal (pro-German) indiscretions by Edward VIII, notably in The Maisky Diaries: Red Ambassador to the Court of St James’s 1932-1943, ( New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2015). 11

The crisis

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] descended into farce and chaos as what the Telegraph called ‘the investors’ began heckling Lenihan, making ‘monkey noises’ and shouting ‘short Ireland’.3 A paper published by the New Economics Foundation, Where did our money go?, made this interesting suggestion: ‘the scale of the current cuts in public services is 1 See p. 114 of […]

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