The Man Who Knew Too Much

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] a unique take on the ‘whodunnit’ aspect of the assassination, a synthesis of the left and right wing conspiracy theories: Oswald was involved in the conspiracy to murder the President; and he was an FBI informant and a CIA or Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) agent; but he was also working for the communists […]

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Fifth Column: Plots, smoke and mirrors – managing our Muslim brothers

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] second we must retain a sense of proportion. It condemned Scotland Yard for using alarmist language (‘even if true’ ) that the plot would have caused ‘mass murder on an unimaginable scale’. It is the job of journalists and terrorists to engage in hyperbole (it said), not the police. This pragmatic response will not […]

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You Are Being Lied To: the Disinformation guide to media distortion, historical whitewashes and cultural myths

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] use green ink myself, and I’m fairly sceptical about most of the areas I’ve just mentioned although I never did understand what was so loonish about the murder of Hilda Murrell. Having said that, I don’t believe it’s possible to draw a firm line between conspiracy theory and parapolitics. According to the ‘Louie, Louie’ […]

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Kincoragate: parapolitics

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] reported in Lobster 4, efforts were being made by Lord Avebury (Eric Lubbock) and the Duke of Norfolk to clear Wallace of the ‘It’s A Knock Out’ murder. Mrs Anne Wallace met her husband Colin whilst she was assistant in Conmower intelligence office of MI6 in Belfast. She is now personal secretary to the […]

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What is Opus Dei?

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

Noam Friedlander London: Conspiracy Books/Collins and Brown, 2005, p/bk, £8.99   Apart from being an anagram of Oedipus, Opus Dei is a Roman Catholic organisation, which has grown from beginnings in Spain in the 1920s, led by José Maria Escriva, to being an evangelising force within the Catholic Church, aimed as much at the lay … Read more

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Clippings Digest to May 31st. 1984

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] part in it). Central figure is mafia leader Ugurlu, with connections to Agca and the Bulgarian state. Article suggests there are two possible reasons for the Ipekci murder: 1) Ipekci was planning to expose some of the mafia’s activities; 2) mafia wanted to buy the paper and Ipekci was in the way. (The latter […]

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Conspiracy: Plots, Lies and Cover-ups

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] only 84 pages. The content is mostly Anglo-American, especially after WW2. It is done chronologically, so you get odd sequences of subjects: Gehlen, Roswell, Operation Paperclip, the murder of Gandhi; and Watergate, Littlejohn, Kincora, Allende; and AIDS conspiracy, Iran-Contra conspiracy, Hilda Murrel, Get Scargill, assassination of Mrs Ghandi. And so on. I haven’t read […]

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From ‘Political’ to ‘Human’: the Lessons of Watergate and Vietnam

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] events or future dangers, but also as immediate, local and urgent human concerns. It is for this reason that I began this digressive essay with the ‘unsolved’ murder of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt by Cubans with U.S. intelligence immunity, as part of a tradition of tolerated crime protected in part by the media’s […]

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War and peace plots

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] influence. Throughout October and November 1942 talks between various emissaries were held on how best to move this forward. News of this reached Stalin who ordered the murder of von Papen, delegating this to a team of Bulgarian assassins, who blew themselves up in the process, leaving von Papen unharmed. In the meantime British […]

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The once and future king?

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

The demise of Ken Livingstone as Mayor of London on 1 May was preceded by the publication of the latest account of his political career, Andrew Hosken’s Ken – The Ups and Downs of Ken Livingstone. (1) Although it contains some new and interesting material (but has no index), it is similar in many ways … Read more

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