Jim Jones and the Conspiracists

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

In an article in the Journal of Popular Culture, (1) one of the editors of the Jonestown Report considers the role that conspiracy theories have played in the unfolding narrative of ‘Jonestown’. It is a worthwhile endeavour to which few scholars could bring better credentials. Rebecca Moore is a professor of religious studies at the … Read more

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Mind Control and the American Government

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

The spectre of technofascism haunts the democratic nations. All the powers of the espionage empire and the scientific establishment have entered into an unholy alliance to evoke this spectre: psychiatrist and spy, Dulles and Delgado, microwave specialists and clandestine operators. Substantial evidence exists linking members of the American intelligence community — including the Central Intelligence … Read more

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Northern Ireland Act 1974

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] undertook the murder of the Miami showband musicians. The evidence is quite clear. The same gun that was used by Captain Nairac on his cross-border trip to assassinate John Francis Green was used in the Miami showband massacre. Earlier this year, the radio and television service of southern Ireland, RTE, showed a documentary in […]

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Let us now praise famous researchers

Book cover
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

Let us now praise famous researchers Praise from a Future Generation: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the first generation critics of the Warren Report John Kelin San Antonio, Texas: Wings Press, 2007. xviii + 585pps. Bibliography, Notes, Sources, etc. Illustrated. $29.95. Reviewed by Anthony Frewin While the literature critical of the Warren Commission’s … Read more

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Coroner to the Stars

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

Coroner to the Stars Thomas T. Noguchi (Corgi Books, London 1984) One of the things I asked Peter Dale Scott which didn’t go into the interview in Lobster 7 was why so little work had been done on the Robert Kennedy assassination. After all, at first glance, the ‘conspiracy angle’ was quite plain: the autopsy … Read more

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The Zapruder Film: Reframing JFK’s Assassination

Book cover
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

David W. Wrone University Press of Kansas; 2003, h/b, $29.99 (UK prices vary)   In the conclusion to his Pocket Essentials Who Shot JFK?, the editor of this journal asked: ‘Where are the historians?’ David Wrone is a former Professor of History at Kansas University, and so his book provides at least part of an … Read more

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‘Privatising’ covert action: the case of the Unification Church

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

‘You don’t investigate people for why they think but for what they do.’ – former Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti (1) Introduction If nothing else, the Iran-Contra scandal temporarily illuminated the extent to which ostensibly private organizations have been helping secretive elements within the American government — in this case the core of the executive branch’s … Read more

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Pipe Dreams: the CIA, Drugs, and the Media

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] CIA cut off support, many of these exiles, trained in covert operations and smuggling, turned to narcotics trafficking.(6) Given that the CIA had worked with Trafficante to assassinate Castro in 1961,(7) the agency lacked sufficient ethical intelligence to worry that these Trafficante-associated exiles might pose a criminal problem. They were considered merely a ‘disposal […]

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The economic background to appeasement and the search for Anglo-German detente before and during World War 2

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

‘The tragic and paramount thing about the rise of the new Anglo-German war was that Germany demanded an equal place with Britain as a world power and that Britain was in principle prepared to concede. But, whereas Germany demanded immediate, complete and unequivocal satisfaction of her demand, Britain — although she was ready to renounce … Read more

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Surf’s up! Internet sites of interest

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

Here is a selection of sites on the Internet that may interest Lobsterreaders. The usenet newsgroups are for discussion of issues and anyone can contribute; some of the contributions are pretty far-out, or just plain abusive, and much of the material is US-oriented. The content of newsgroups is continually changing, and the examples I have … Read more

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