Anglo-America and the Third Reich

Book cover
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] warning against a Russian-German coalition – likely influenced British foreign policy leading up to August 1914. Another piece of the puzzle assembled by Preparata is the mysterious Israel Helphand (also Helfand), otherwise known as Parvus, a well-regarded Marxist author, trusted associate of Trotsky and key mediator between the Kaiser and the Bolsheviks who arranged, […]

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Right-wing Terrorists and the Extraparliamentary Left in Post-World War 2 Europe: Collusion or Manipulation?

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] albeit in an entirely different social, cultural and political context. What made it possible for these groups to cooperate with each other was their shared hatred of Israel and resentment towards the two ‘imperialist’ superpowers. This type of cooperation was exemplified by such things as the occasional employment of ex-SS and Wehrmacht men as […]

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Bilderberg Myths: Were the Bilderbergers behind the 1973 oil shock?

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Tracking the events leading up to the Arab oil embargo, Engdahl claims the October 1973 Yom Kippur war, when Syria and Egypt launched a preemptive attack on Israel, had actually been ‘secretly orchestrated by Washington and London’. Henry Kissinger, then US Secretary of State, allegedly had primary responsibility for implementing the plan, which he […]

The ‘Rothschild connection’ the House of Rothschild and the invasion of Iraq

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Kristol, Eliot Abrams and Charles Krauthammer…’14 British writer Nicholas Hagger in his book The Syndicate: The Story of the Coming World Government (2004), claimed that a ‘pro- Israel’ US-based ‘Rothschildite’ subfaction – represented by a pressure group, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) – supported the invasion ‘to bring some respite to […]

Left Out: The Inside Story of Labour Under Corbyn, and, This Land: The Story of a Movement

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] newly elected Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was first hit by critical abuse, Benjamin Netanyahu had just warned President Barack Obama of the power of the friends of Israel in Washington DC.1 Hundreds of members of the US Congress afforded Israel’s prime minister repeated standing ovations for assertively undermining their president’s Iran nuclear deal.2 Anyone […]

Gaza 2009: Revisiting the Goldstone Report

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] the the ‘Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict’ 1 – aka the Goldstone Report. That was originally published in the 2009, after Israel had attacked Gaza with what they (Israel) called Operation Cast Lead – a bombardment which left over 1,400 Palestinians dead and much of the city in […]

In the Thick of It: The private diaries of a minister Alan Duncan

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] 2019, so one can only imagine what he might have to say about Johnson’s Covid role.3 In November 2017, while Patel is on an unauthorised trip to Israel (see below), Duncan writes: ‘Meanwhile Boris has made a costly gaffe. He said in evidence to the Foreign Affairs Committee that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who is imprisoned […]

Olivia Jayne Frank, 1956-2023

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] Spy, Thatcher’s Prisoner, and currently available from Amazon as The Third Direction,1 describes how she was prescribed oestrogen by an NHS doctor in Manchester before joining the Israel Defense Forces as a woman, flying to Tel Aviv in 1974 on a false British passport supplied by her father’s Jewish contacts. In March 1975, she […]

Olivia Jayne Frank, 1956-2023

Lobster Issue free article
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[PDF file]: […] Spy, Thatcher’s Prisoner, and currently available from Amazon as The Third Direction,1 describes how she was prescribed oestrogen by an NHS doctor in Manchester before joining the Israel Defense Forces as a woman, flying to Tel Aviv in 1974 on a false British passport supplied by her father’s Jewish contacts. In March 1975, she […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] . . All of us in that room did research these topics. This was a small community in the German-speaking area . There was also one in Israel with whom we were in close contact, and one in the USA, and in the Far East as well, and that was it. So, everybody knew […]

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