Korkala, Terpil and Ireland

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

According to the Dublin magazine Magill (August 1984), Frank Terpil was ‘kicked out’ of the CIA in 1972. He apparently admitted this while visiting Beirut in the autumn of 1980. He also claimed to have worked for the UN in New York and to have been Idi Amin’s advisor there. These ‘revelations’ were made at […]

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Clippings Digest. June/July 1984

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] More interesting is the Defence Attache (June) piece by the pseudonymous P.Q. Mann, which suggested the affair was an intelligence-gathering mission. Mann’s piece is discussed by Andrew Wilson in The Observer, June 17. Lengthy extracts from the Mann piece are included in the current Intelligence (see Publications). The Mann piece is most striking for […]

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Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] assertion that ‘at sea drowning a cat was the very surest way of raising a favourable wind’. Elwell’s energetic attempts to drown figures as varied as Harold Wilson and Chris Mullin continued after his formal retirement from countering ‘domestic subversion’ as head of F section in 1979. Working with Margaret Thatcher’s aide during the […]

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Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico: new leads

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] of Oswald in Mexico City. In 1963 James Angleton, head of the CIA’s counter intelligence branch, following up the revelations of Anatoli Golitsyn, informed MI5 that Harold Wilson, then leader of the Labour Party, was a spy. After a few enquiries Sir Roger Hollis, MI5’s boss, told John McCone, then head of the CIA, […]

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Hacks, pols and PR

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

The Triumph of the Political Class Peter Oborne London: Simon & Schuster, 2007, £18.99 Thinker, Faker, Spinner, Spy: Corporate PR and the Assault on Democracy Edited by William Dinan and David Miller London: Pluto, 2007, £15.99 End Times: The Death of the Fourth Estate Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St Clair CounterPunch and AK Press, Oakland […]

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Companies House Searches On The ‘Security’ Industry

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] £15,000 from the Government and a £50,000 loan from Barclays Bank. It spent £85,000 on the development of ‘something’ but has no income. Curious. Directors John Henry Wilson Little Leys, Golden Common, Bramley, Surrey. Formerly of ‘Morecroft Securites Ltd. Sophia Hardy (as above) Robert Patrick Broadley-Wilson (as above) David Martin John O’Brien The Company […]

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Sources: Journals

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] PO Box 30, Mapleton, Queensland 4560, Australia. Cold war history Students of the cold war should take note of an extraordinary project being run by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC. The Cold War International History Project is attempting to keep track of, and summarise the results of, the opening […]

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The Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories

Book cover
Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] For more seasoned campaigners however, the book has less to offer. In many of the topics, such as those covering the Calvi murder, the plots against Harold Wilson, the CIA drugs connection etc, anyone who has been following the topics will feel that some of the more obvious and important texts have not been […]

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The Liar: the fall of Jonathan Aitken

Book cover
Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] in 1974. And then? Well – not very much, publicly: 18 years on the back-benches during which he called for an enquiry into the plots to destabilise Wilson and voted against the Poll Tax. But privately, it was a different matter. Harding, Leigh and Pallister dive into News of the World territory with a […]

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Robin Ramsay, editor

Lobster Issue

[…] Picnic Publishing, 2008) Who Shot JFK? (2002) The Rise of New Labour (2002) Conspiracy Theories: Almost Everything You Need to Know in One Essential Guide (2000) Smear! Wilson and the Secret State (1991) by Stephen Dorrill and Robin Ramsay  Interviews and talks Article: Sunday Herald in 17 August 2003. See also: Robin Ramsay at […]

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