Thinking about the Falklands

Lobster Issue £££

[…] extremely smelly. “…key intelligence did not immediately reach Carrington, either raw, in summary or by way of assessment … At the Joint Intelligence Committee level, however, the SIS report (of a firm Argentine intention to invade – RR) ..was considered sufficiently important for the Chiefs of Staff to be informed.” (4) Tam Dalyell’s nose […]

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The Pinay Circle

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] about the authenticity of the ‘Langemann report’, it contains a number of what appear to be striking errors: viz it describes Nicholas Elliot as “former director of SIS”. We are conscious of the fact that the report in PP/Intelligence may well be the end product of a complicated translation process: from German into French, […]

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Loose cuts and short ends

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] issue in the books section, on pages 50 and 51 there is an extract from a memorandum written by G. K. Young in 1955 while he was SIS no. 2. This is as clear an exposition as I have seen of the view of the spy as society’s elite which underpins so many of […]

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Storming teacups! Or: Steve Dorril, Lobster and me

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] to signify. Since when, if he has produced another issue I haven’t heard of it. Steve Dorril is very good at what he does, his book on SIS is a huge achievement; as I said in my review of it in Tribune, it is a landmark in the field. He just isn’t – and […]

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Historical Notes

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] At the same time the State would provide all citizens with a ‘dividend’ designed not just to guarantee a basic minimum but also to avoid economic cri sis resulting from ‘under-consumption’, the curse of modern capitalism. Social Credit ideas attracted a lot of attention in the 1930s and became the foundation of a successful […]

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Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] Pacific is Peace Researcher; Journal of the Anti-Bases Campaign. I have received issue 5 which includes several interesting, well documented pieces on the activities of ASIO, A SIS, the US Air Force in the region, and on GCHQ’s move from Hong Kong to Australia. Overseas subscriptions are $25 Australian per annum, to Peace Researcher, […]

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Kincoragate: More Bodies

Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

[…] Howard Smith with Philip Woodhead as his desk man in London, MI6 handled their Kincora agents through a number of ‘cut-outs’ – the normal way of distancing SIS officers from events which might go wrong. The man who orchestrated the various activities of the Kincora Ring has been identified as a Lt. Colonel in […]

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The accountability of the intelligence and security services

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] have been a con; that in fact the intelligence agencies remain as lawless and unaccountable as before despite having been placed on a statutory footing. Statutory ba sis The first piece of legislation to hit the statutory books was in 1989 the Security Service Act which placed MI5 on a statutory footing and provided […]

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A short history of Lobster

Lobster Issue

[…] career. And new contributors appeared: Dr Larry O’Hara; Alex Cox (another Kennedy assassination buff); Andrew Rosthorn; John Newsinger; Tom Easton; the late Corinne Souza (who wrote about SIS which had employed her Iraqi father); Simon Matthews; John Burnes and Dr T P Wilkinson, to name the most prolific. Regular early contributors were Jane Affleck […]

South African Connections

Lobster Issue 1 (1983) £££

[…] recent years FARI’s members have included Cons. MP’s Julian Amery, Director of Vaal Reefs Exploration and Mining; Amery is ex-British intelligence and probably still a link to SIS, Julian Critchley, Philip Goodhard and Tom Normanton, Director of Commercial Union Assurance (CUA) and Midland Bank; and Sir Ian Gilmour. Current FARI Chairman is Sir Frederick […]

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