The League of Empire Loyalists and the Defenders of the American Constitution

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] LEL. The LEL’s founder and leader Arthur Keith Chesterton (better known as ‘A.K.’) was the cousin of the famous writer G. .K. Chesterton. A one-time member of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists (BUF), Chesterton broke with Mosley in 1938. During World War II, he supported Britain’s efforts against Hitler and thus never had […]

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The World Anti-Communist League and its British Connections

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] associated themselves with ABN in the sixties and seventies: Michael English, Bessie Braddock, Jack McCann, Sir David Renton, John Graham, J. McMillan, Michael O’Halloran, Michael Fidler, Tom Oswald and Sir Frederick Bennett. John Wilkinson MPs association with the group runs from 1971 (or earlier) through to 1985 when, as Chair of the European Freedom […]

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JFK’s assassination: two stories about fingerprints

Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of historical events, the key is to establish a coherent chronology. Once this is done, a genuine mystery relating to Oswald’s prints is unexpectedly revealed. Lee Harvey Oswald was first fingerprinted by Dallas Police Department (DPD) as he was booked into custody in Dallas on 22 November 1963. For whatever reason, Oswald refused to […]

Phil Shenon – a cruel and shocking twist

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Castro.3 Although a great deal was kept from the Warren Commission, Shenon believes they got it right: the president was killed by one man alone, Lee Harvey Oswald. Shenon told Dave Davies on National Public Radio (NPR): ‘We’ll never be able, totally, to rule out the idea that there was a second gunman because […]

The Lincoln-Kennedy Psyop

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] playing upon their collective minds at that session. Item H.ii on the agenda that afternoon was the fate of the corpse of JFK’s accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, whose public and unguarded grave was causing anxiety. Strangely (or perhaps not, given their Dulles-gifted reading material), the Commission displayed considerable unease over precedents set by […]

Powers, Angleton, Morley and Dallas

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the allegation that one man alone was responsible for the murder, regardless of the role of the accused assassin. Anyone familiar with the basic evidence understands that Oswald was not the sixth floor sniper and was what he claimed to be – framed as a patsy. Another tool of CI analysts is doing a […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] the books on the Kennedy assassination that were published in 2017. Among them is a new edition of John Newman’s JFK and Vietnam. I have both his Oswald and the CIA and Where Angels Tread Lightly: the Assassination of President Kennedy, Volume 1. I have read the CIA book but I have barely skimmed […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue

[…] the books on the Kennedy assassination that were published in 2017. Among them is a new edition of John Newman’s JFK and Vietnam. I have both his Oswald and the CIA and Where Angels Tread Lightly: the Assassination of President Kennedy, Volume 1. I have read the CIA book but I have barely skimmed […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE
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[PDF file]: Robin Ramsay Among the most recently declassified CIA documents about the Kennedy assassination are some in which CIA officers wondered if Oswald hadn’t done the deed for Castro, or out of sympathy for Castro’s Cuba. In a piece for Politico.com1 journalist Philip Shenon and historian Larry Sabato discussed both the documents and how such […]

Still thinking about Dallas

Lobster Issue

Still thinking about Dallas Robin Ramsay Among the most recently declassified CIA documents about the Kennedy assassination are some in which CIA officers wondered if Oswald hadn’t done the deed for Castro, or out of sympathy for Castro’s Cuba. In a piece for Politico.com1 journalist Philip Shenon and historian Larry Sabato discussed both the […]

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