
Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] inch diameter 4 power scope. Technical ignorance allows a lot of bullshit to float by. Hinkley’s ‘explosive bullets’ are another example. I happen to know that had he been using what the FBI claimed, no one would have even gone to the hospital. Maximum penetration would have been less than a half inch of flesh.”

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] ‘Mercenaries in Trouble Spots to be Regulated’, The Independent 31 July 2004, p.18 10 Established under the 1950 Internal Security Act, the SISS worked closely with the FBI to ensure that Communist Party members registered themselves with the Attorney General. It also conducted Senate hearings for 27 years to ensure that the register was […]

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Conspiracy theories are go!

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] armed to the teeth and – it is said – actually planning to fight the Illuminati! Any minute now there will anti-Illuminati terrorism in the USA; the FBI will announce the creation of an Illuminati Task Force. Hitherto this field had been pretty much an exclusively American set of conspiracy theories, but they are […]

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In Brief

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] leaflets in Florida (actually it was in New Orleans); (b) that Oswald was ‘mentally unbalanced’ (said who?); and (c) that he was in “active contact with low-level FBI agents.” (which almost the whole JFK buff world believes but can’t prove). What is it about Kennedy’s death that encourages people to go into print without […]

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The New European Order – judges, modernising conservatives and Tony Blair

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] Motley Rice, the legal counsel in charge of the 9/11 civil suit, through a private sector intermediary.(6) This was not an official request for information by the FBI, CIA or US Treasury, but was to benefit a private prosecution on foreign soil with no direct Spanish content.(7) The Times meanwhile reported that Spanish ships […]

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] But the actual goal was to recruit me as an informer concerning professors at Columbia, particularly Zbigniew Brzezinski, and my fellow students and their connections with the FBI and the CIA. When my suspicions were finally aroused…..I returned the money and broke off contact. This ended my career as an informer, while the agent […]

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The Anti-CND Groups. Ingrams

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] through a purchase by Spanish Intelligence agency OGS, in the hands of the Guerillas of Christ the King, linked to Albert Spaggliari. In 1980 Gerald Cunningham led FBI agents to a warehouse where he had 1000 M10s hidden. He told the agents his company Weapons International Engineering and Research, had bought the weapons from […]

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The view from the bridge. JFK. Waco. Oklahoma. Timor. Moral Rearmament Movement

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] of them – were still glowing as the nation’s major news institutions rousingly endorsed the decision of Janet Reno and her boss, Bill Clinton, to give the FBI (and, as it turned out, the Delta Force) the go-ahead for an operation that ensured massacre. Newsweek, we particularly remember, rushed out its cover of Koresh […]

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The crisis

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] alone, there were nearly 3,000 registered federal lobbyists working in the financial sector.’(14) Fraud A regulator turned academic, William K. Black, wrote in February on how the FBI had begun warning about an epidemic of mortgage fraud by the sellers of mortgages in 2004 but had been ignored. By then the US financial sector […]

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Here, there and everywhere

Book cover
Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] reviews of this book there are many raves; but continue on down through the second page and you come to a very destructive review by a former FBI agent, Delbert Hahn, who was interviewed by Hopsicker. Before buying this read that. Notes If the Zelig reference escapes you try On getaway styles, I prefer […]

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