The limits of accountability

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] thing that Ms Rice denied was the use of torture. However, this must be seen in the context of what the Americans regard as torture. According to CIA Director Porter Goss, the CIA does not engage in torture but in ‘unique and innovative’ methods of prisoner interrogation. These methods include blows to the feet […]

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] archival evidence to document the origins of the Bilderberg Group. It also considers the various conspiracy theories which have attached themselves to the Group. Is it a CIA plot to undermine socialism or a socialist conspiracy to destroy the US’s capitalist, democratic institutions? The author concludes that the view of Bilderberg as a seat […]

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The Politics of Apolitical Culture: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA and post-war American hegemony

Book cover
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] up the whole discussion about the responsibility of intellectuals and the integrity of cultural and political discourse first sparked by Lasch way back in 1967 when the CIA funding was initally revealed. I would add four very non-theoretical points which academics may one day like to follow up – preferably with a shorter time […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] falling out between the US and Britain was due in part to misunderstandings about covert action. The US favoured ‘ Nasser…. gradually with the help of the CIA and MI6, while Eden, Lloyd, and Macmillan preferred to proceed more swiftly with the help of the Israeli army and the Royal Navy.’ Douglas Little, ‘Mission […]

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Back to the future: the 1970s reconsidered

Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££

[…] EEC The U.S. took the 1975 referendum on British membership of the EEC seriously enough to send Cord Meyer over to London, for the period, as temporary CIA Station Chief. Meyer was one of the CIA’s most important clandestine operators who had been involved in the manipulation of the youth, student and labour fields […]

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The Strength of the Wolf

Book cover
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] organised crime. Which is to say the FBN was a political loose cannon in both overseas and domestic policy, engaged in continual bureaucratic warfare with the FBI, CIA, and local police forces, repeatedly discovering things that were supposed to stay hidden and trying to arrest ‘the wrong people’. In the introduction Valentine offers this […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] it fails and I felt somebody had to speak up for intelligence standards. I did that. I got sacked and I don’t regret it for a moment.’ CIA is the source of a detailed study of the CIA’s ‘black budget’ by Dr Michael Salla. And an interesting glimpse of the scale of the CIA’s […]

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Cold War stories 2

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] Roosevelt Study Centre, Middelburg, The Netherlands, 18-19 October 2001. See note (1) The impulse for this event came from Frances Stonor Saunders’ Who Paid The Piper: The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, and the media coverage that it received after its publication in 1999. The intention of the conference was to give as […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] of the Conference’s ‘end of ideology’ theme and its main protagonists. (Scott-Smith is the author of The Politics of Apolitical Culture: the Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA, and post-war American hegemony, Routledge, 2001, reviewed in Lobster 43) Giles Scott-Smith, ‘The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the end of ideology and the 1955 Milan Conference: […]

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Post-war Disposal Problems: De Gaulle and Watergate

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. A glance at the recent partial dismantling of De Gaulle’s secret networks is perhaps the best way to understand the ‘ CIA problem’ confronting Jimmy Carter after Richard Nixon. De Gaulle’s intensive use of SDECE and SAC operatives in illegal activities left himself, and, above all, his successors […]

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