New Labour Notes

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] reading, is not stated. US one-world conspiracy theorists please note: BP, RIIA and Fabians, all at once! In 1979 Butler was co-author, with Neil Kinnock, of Why Vote Labour? ‘By the autumn of 1981 her economic policies made her the least approved-of Prime Minister since Dr Gallup invented opinion polls. The government did not […]

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Truth Twisting: notes on disinformation

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] a bomb into the U.K. and cause an apparent nuclear accident close to a U.S. air force base in East Anglia. This would ‘panic the 10% floating vote into unilateralism, and support at the polls the only party pledged to unilateralism, the Labour Party.’ (p.179) An analogous theme, of radioactive waste and the KGB, […]

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The Liar: the fall of Jonathan Aitken

Book cover
Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Luke Harding, David Leigh and David Pallister Penguin, 1997, £6.99 George Orwell said that Robinson Crusoe was a good example of a bad book, clumsily written but of natural interest due to its subject. The same is true here. Heroic and triumphant in tone, the troika of authors concentrate mainly on the paraphernalia, research and … Read more

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Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

From Colin Johnson Re: review of Neck Deep in Lobster 54. I think your reviewer missed the main point. The book intended to demonstrate, perhaps over verbally because much of the material comes from articles previously published on mail out, that over the period of George ‘Woodentop’ Bush’s presidency the republic of America was … Read more

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Old spooks’ tales

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Old spooks’ tales John Loftus is probably best known in this country for his The Belarus Secret (Penguin 1983). His latest, The Secret War against the Jews, contains the largest number of new allegations, and alleged revelations about the post-war era, of any book I have read. However, many of these new claims are sourced … Read more

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Gone but not forgotten

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

STANLEY MAYNE A Socialist Caucus pamphlet put out in June 1984, Cold War and Class Collaboration: Red Baiting and Witch-Hunts in the Civil Service Unions suggested that ‘A rather mysterious affair occurred in the IPCS (Institute of Professional Civil Servants). Its General Secretary, Richard Nunn, who had in April 1962 correctly realised that the Radcliffe … Read more

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Liddle and Lobbygate: reflections on a Downing Street drama

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Of the many questions left unanswered from this summer’s so-called Lobbygate furore, one stands out: why did Prime Minister Tony Blair expend so much energy and political capital saving Roger Liddle, the Downing Street adviser who was caught by The Observer offering access through his former lobbyist business partner, Derek Draper? Loyalty cannot be an … Read more

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Our Friends in the North-East

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] SDP – in which Rodgers, Horam, Thomas and Wrigglesworth were prominent members – to British society was to keep Thatcher in power after 1981 by dividing the vote against her in 1983 and 1987. The impact this had on UK manufacturing and municipal government (the core of the GMB membership) indicates that the union […]

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A Bilderberg Press Release

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

A Bilderberg Press Release I don’t think I’ve ever published a press release before, but this is unmistakably a press release from last year’s Bilderberg meeting.(1) There is the occasional oddity in this, possibly caused by e-mail transmission, which I’ve highlighted, and I’ve arranged the participants by country, rather than alphabetically as in the original. … Read more

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The SAS, their early days in Ireland and the Wilson Plot

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] encourage sectarian killings. SAS involvement was also alleged in two car-bombs that exploded in Dublin on 1st December 1972, killing two civilians. This happened just before a vote in the Irish Parliament on a repressive amendment to anti-terrorist legislation. The law was passed and the IRA was blamed for the explosions. They denied responsibility […]

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