A (very) brief history of Christian politics in the United States

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] be presented with the drama of a showdown between democracy and totalitarianism which used the categories of individualism and collectivism in a slightly different way. The cultural propaganda developed for use in Western Europe took a shape not so different from that of Cold War Christianity, although the details were strikingly different. The early […]

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The Case of Otto Skorzeny

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] with Vatican help. After the fall of Peron, Von Leers temporarily left his Argentina Nazi paper Der Weg and, under the alias of Omar Amin, directed Nasser’s propaganda against Israel. His assistant in this work was another former member of Goebbels’ propaganda ministry, Dr. Gerhardt Harmut von Schubert, who later moved on to a […]

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Northern Ireland redux

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] him a Polaroid photograph taken of the dead Green. This is awkward for the British state – and Taylor. Acknowledging this would be to give too much propaganda advantage to the IRA. So this is Taylor on Nairac: ‘There were rumours and allegations that Captain Robert Nairac, a legendary army intelligence and liaison officer […]

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Truth Twisting: notes on disinformation

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] Deacon also defends old friends – the Goldsmith/ Spiegel case, the nuclear power lobby, SDI etc – and reveals recent thinking on the spook-connected British right: ‘Russian propaganda has found its way into British schools….Christianity has in recent years been distorted into a “front organisation” for international communism . ……Friends of the Earth draws […]

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] global media ecology….in the battle for hearts and minds…the impact of such operations at home may be their most important legacy. IO “blowback” occurs as surveillance and propaganda campaigns targeting foreign audiences spill back into the US because of the nature of the global media and information flows.’(21) The miners united… A former Bedfordshire […]

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MacV-Sog Command History: Annexes A, N, and M (1964-66)

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] 49-50); and, most amazing of all, for an outfit so concerned with intelligence and dirty tricks, there were shortages of everything from photo-interpretation equipment to transmitters for propaganda broadcasts (pp. 83-84 and 86). Indeed, the American contingent of SOG numbered just 132 military personnel and 14 civilians at the start of 1965 (p. 70).’ […]

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Politics and Paranoia

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] Communist Party after the war. But there’s the paradox: while I was protesting about US bases in Scotland, I was sucking down huge amounts of American cultural propaganda: books, music, films. Aged 16, dressed like Jack Kerouac, I dreamed of playing trumpet like Miles Davis and harmonica like Little Walter. Who destroyed the Soviet […]

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The Churchill myth: Churchill and Secret Service

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] was an historic choice because Halifax would certainly have made peace. Nevertheless Labour’s crucial role has been forgotten. Once installed in power, Churchill ensured that all the propaganda resources of the state were devoted to making him synonymous with the British war effort, an exercise that was often bitterly contested at the time, but […]

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The Kincora scandal and related subjects

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] 14 March 1982, p. 14. Wallace whoppers. the trail of trouble from the Kincora smear king. — John Carey, Sunday World, 7 July 1985, p. 24. Black propaganda and bloody murder — Frank Doherty, Magill, December 1986, pp. 24-28. MI5 — the Irish File — Phoenix 19 December 1986 pp. 3 and 11. Wallace […]

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Updating and Ongoing

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] that had happened the New Left would have emerged as the non-Labour Party power base for left socialism. It would been not only less open to rightest propaganda but the fact that its organization was amorphous would have made MI5 penetration within it far less significant than it was within the CP. (Incidentally, of […]

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