Money laundering in British football

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] businessman Sean Daley who was gunned down in a street in Kyrgyzstan in 2006 when acting as a mediator in a dispute about the ownership of a gold mine. Bakiyev was sentenced, in his absence, to 25 years in prison. Maksim Bakiyev was also tried and convicted in his absence and sentenced on October […]

Divine Rascal: On the Trail of LSD’s Cosmic Courier, Michael Hollingshead by Andy Roberts

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] any third party, might have been possible. slightly more footnotes, appendices and context on the many names, places and background events mentioned in the text. The ‘ gold standard’ for that type of biography – i.e. the life and times of an important but marginal figure (if that definition makes any sense) – might […]

The Super-Rich Shall Inherit the Earth: The New Global Oligarchs and How They’re Taking Over Our World by Stephen Armstrong

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] 184 Summer 2010 But it’s not all skulduggery. There are also any number of bits about billionaire lifestyles, especially décor. This reviewer particularly relished the fact that gold bathroom fittings are sneered at nowadays and are being supplanted by platinum (so easy to mistake for chrome until you get close). All this information will […]

Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Smith helped furnish West with clients from his clinic. West died in 1999, leaving a horde of uncatalogued papers at UCLA. O’Neill trawled through them and struck gold. The CIA operational files on its MK-Ultra project had been destroyed by project chief Sidney Gottlieb in 1973.1 But O’Neill found crucial correspondence between West and […]

The economic crisis

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] plough through. In the end, despite Sorkin’s efforts, in a sea of names I couldn’t keep track of, I gave up half way through. Gillian Tett’s Fool’s Gold (London: Little Brown, 2009) is much better, and not just because it is 200 pages shorter. Tett is a Financial Times journalist who smelled a rat […]

Case Closed: The Identification of Rudolf Hess

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Given our fact pattern, however, the perfect DNA match to a family member proves it is an authentic sample and not misattributed. Indeed, DNA genotyping is the gold standard for identifying mislabeled pathology samples and extraneous tissue fragments.98 96 Rosthorn: see note 1. Marberger, M., et al., ‘Biopsy Misidentification Identified by DNA Profiling in […]

Climate hysterics: useful idiots or just idiots

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] exchange rates in the Bretton Woods agreements – which also created the World Bank and International Monetary Fund – the US dollar had been pegged at a gold price of about $35 per ounce. Following its two far Eastern wars, the US Treasury was convinced that this exchange rate would no longer hold.8 To […]

The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History by Boris Johnson

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] seen, there is plenty of competition. He looks at Antwerp in 1914, the Gallipoli landings, the post-WW1 intervention in Russia, the Chanak Crisis, the return to the Gold Standard, the Abdication Crisis and Churchill’s attitude towards India in the 1930s. The crass stupidity of this manner of proceeding is best demonstrated regarding Gallipoli. This […]

Reporting on Hitler: Rothay Reynolds and the British Press in Nazi Germany by Will Wainewright

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] two men were to correspond regularly throughout the 1930s, meeting on a number of occasions, and Rothermere actually sent Hitler a photograph of himself in a solid gold frame as a testimony to their friendship. Reynolds, meanwhile, was appalled by the Nazi assault on democracy, on civil liberties, and more particularly by the persecution […]

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