Cowboys into Gentlemen: Rhodes Scholars, Oxford, and the Creation of an American Elite

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] full of interesting anecdotes about individuals, this makes no serious attempt at the second half of the subtitle. Despite listing the large numbers of Rhodies in the Kennedy, Johnson and Clinton administrations, the authors simply reject the various claims that there is or has been a Rhodes Scholars network within the American ruling elites. […]

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Sources. Publications etc

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] and really cheap at £2.50 from Here and Now, PO Box 109, Leeds, LS5 3AA. Probe describes itself as the ‘Newsletter of Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination’, which doesn’t do it any favours. Actually it is a professionally produced, 32-page quarterly magazine whose primary focus is the Kennedy assassination but whose ambit […]

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Brief Notes On The Political Importance Of Secret Societies

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] Conference of Bishops; to Chile, where the Opus Dei magazine Que Pasa conspired against the regime of Salvatore Allende (1); and to the United States, where David Kennedy, President of Continental Illinois Bank is said to be a “conspicuous friend of the new power brokers in the Order of Opus Dei.” In France, Opus […]

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The DFS, Silvia Duran and the CIA-Mafia connection

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] in connection with the Colosio assassination of 1994; and one of these, ex-DFS Chief Miguel Nazar Haro, was also involved in the investigation of the John F. Kennedy assassination. What should most concern us in this deep political interaction between the CIA and a criminal DFS is the CIA’s protection of at least one […]

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Lobster Issue 24: Contents

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] 3JB. UK (Tel: 0482 447558) ISSN: 0964-0436Contributors to this Issue Larry O’Hara is completing a PhD on British fascism Scott Van Wynsberghe has written widely on the Kennedy conspiracy, notably in The Third Decade. Scott Newton teaches history at the University of Wales in Cardiff John Booth is a free-lance journalist living in London […]

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How to Fix an Election

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

Election time! Ah, the roar of the hustings; the pulse of democracy is about to be taken. The enduring worthiness of our political system is about to be proven yet again. But what’s that you say? Something’s not quite right with the result? You smell a rat? Be quiet. Such things only happen in tin-pot […]

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Following in Uncle Sam’s dirty footsteps: chemical and biological warfare testing in the UK

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] Helms to DCI Dulles, dated April 3, 1953, Tab A, pp. 1-2. . Summary Report on CIA Investigation of MKNAOMI, Report Book I, pp. 360-63. Also see Kennedy Subcommittee Hearings on Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by DoD, 1977. Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot captured by Soviet Union, carried one such toxin concealed […]

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Lobster Issue 43: Contents

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

Pieces without an author are by the editor. Parish Notices Thanks to Jane Affleck, Richard Alexander, John Burnes, Phil Chamberlain, Terry Hanstock, Robert Henderson, Paul Lashmar, Philip Murphy, Rom, David Turner, Peter Watson and Robin Whittaker for information. This issue of Lobster would have appeared a week or so earlier than it did had it […]

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JFK, the FBI and the Cambridge phone call

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] in hand and I hope to return to the subject in a future issue of Lobster.   TO: FBI. FROM: LEGAT, LONDON. ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY. CLASSIFIED BY 2040. EXEMPT FROM GDS CATEGORY J. DATE OF DECLASSIFICATION INDEFINITE. 7/9/77. Remyairtel 11/26/63 reporting a newspaper reporter in Cambridge, England had stated he received […]

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Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] I lost track of it in subsequent summers, when I first suffered a major illness, and then was side-tracked into preparation of a trade book on the Kennedy Assassination (Beyond Conspiracy) that was eventually killed by its publisher on the eve of its appearance. I am grateful to Lobster for reviving ‘Transnationalised Repression’. Though […]

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