‘Privatising’ covert action: the case of the Unification Church

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

‘You don’t investigate people for why they think but for what they do.’ – former Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti (1) Introduction If nothing else, the Iran-Contra scandal temporarily illuminated the extent to which ostensibly private organizations have been helping secretive elements within the American government — in this case the core of the executive branch’s … Read more

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The Perfect English Spy

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

Tom Bower, Heinemann, London This is the biography of Dick White, the only man to have been head of both MI5 and MI6 (SIS) and it is a massive breach of the new Official Secrets Act. For Bower not only had access to White’s memoir of the period, with White to vouch for him, he … Read more

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Maria Novotny: From Prague With Love

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

In February this year, unnoticed by the press, a funeral took place in a quiet Sussex village. In attendance were some famous names from London society of the fifties and sixties, and two men in regulation dark suits from an undisclosed department of the Security Services. They had been contacts for the deceased, Maria Novotny, … Read more

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Drugging America: a Trojan Horse

Book cover
Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] these people, trailing all these politically embarrassing connections to the US intelligence community, bombed the World Trade Centre.(1) None of this can be stopped because of the spook connections. The Cubans have their get-out-of-jail-free card; and, as a result, their clients are also protected from routine investigation and prosecution. The Cuban money laundry is […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

Why do they do this? In the previous issue I referred to the fictitious comments attributed by Tony Blair to a doctor in Africa. They’ve done it again. In February Blair’s spin doctor in chief, Alastair Campbell, claimed to have saved a man from being beaten by muggers, The Mail on Sunday (23 February) traced … Read more

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Operation Mind Control

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

W. H. Bowart, Self-published, Tucson, Arizona, 1994. Operation Mind Control was originally published in 1978 by Dell Paperbacks. It came out around the same time as John Marks’ The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, a rather anodyne book which, after dealing with CIA and military LSD experiments which caused at least one unwitting victim to … Read more

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The Assassination of John Kennedy: An Alternative Hypothesis

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

In this essay I offer some informed speculation on the assassination of John Kennedy. I have called this a new hypothesis, but in fact it is the elaboration of a hunch about the case – but an interesting hunch, I think. I take as proven that there was a conspiracy to murder Kennedy and a … Read more

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The Ultranationalist Right in Turkey and the Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul II

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

Introduction Like most dramatic and unsettling political events, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II by Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca temporarily captured the imagination of the world’s media and political pundits. Although the initial public outrage and concern generally faded once it became clear that the Pope would survive, certain individuals and groups … Read more

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

Assassination or ‘targeted killings’? Joshua Raines of the University of Iowa College of Law argues that although assassination, ‘narrowly defined’ [sic], is illegal, ‘targeted killings’ could well be permissible under ‘just war’ criteria. The US should therefore pass legislation that allows for ‘…targeted killings under a very narrow range of circumstances with adequate checks built … Read more

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