Hess, ‘Hess’ and the ‘peace Party’ (Book review)

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] Chamberlain. (1) ‘IPG had sought at every level of government to convince the governments of France, Italy, Austria and Spain that, despite official pronouncements, Britain’s actual if secret foreign policy was to keep out of all European conflicts in order to give a free hand to Hitler and Mussolini against the Soviet Union.’ (2) […]

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The Perfect English Spy

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] prime minister, and particularly his more socialist colleagues, influenced by their wartime encounters with MI5 officers, suspected the service’s activities were uncontrolled. MI5, they complained, was a secret conservative group with a historic mission to destabilise the Left.(1) Their fear of surveillance by the secret police required that MI5’s new director should not be […]

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The fiction of the state: The Paris Review and the invisible world of American letters

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] of an American pilot through the static on the airport radio saying, ‘I’ve gotta come in for more ammunition. I can’t fly around here without more ammunition.’ Secret war in Ethiopia What I had witnessed was Nixon’s secret war in Ethiopia to defend Hails Sellassie from the Tigre Liberation Front and the Eritrean Liberation […]

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Fleshing Out Skull and Bones

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society Ed. Kris Millegan Waterville (Oregon): TrineDay, 2003, (UK) £28.50, h/back Distributed in the UK by Gazelle Books, www.gazellebooks.co.uk   As an illustration of how much the American media’s view of secret societies has changed in the last 20 years, have a look […]

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Fifth Column: Plots, smoke and mirrors – managing our Muslim brothers

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] detail on the raid. If you had relied on the national media, the matter would have seemed cut and dried: a bunch of mad mullahs skulking in secret in the Weald planning terror acts. But what does the local paper actually say over several pages of excellent reporting within days of the raid?() The […]

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The United States and the overthrow of Sukarno, 1965-67

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] PKI. (78) Only from recently released documents do we learn that new military aid was en route as late as July 1965, in the form of a secret contract to deliver 200 Aero-Commanders to the Indonesian Army: these were light aircraft suitable for use in ‘civic action’ or counter-insurgency operations, presumably by the Army […]

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The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] formed the European Movement (whose first congress at the Hague in 1948 is the origin of the Council of Europe), which received substantial contributions from US government secret funds as well as private sources via the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE). The names mentioned above are significant in the present context: Leffingwell […]

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London’s Secret Tubes: London’s Wartime Citadels, Subways and Shelters Uncovered

Book cover
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Andrew Emmerson and Tony Beard. London: Capital Transport, 2004, £25.00, h/b   Gimme Shelter(s)! The secret underground government structures that originated during the Second World War and were later adapted, enlarged and augmented for the Nuclear Age were given a once-over by Peter Laurie in Beneath the City Streets (1970) and given much more […]

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Robert Kennedy and the Middle East connection

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] against Nasser, the Arab bogey-man, could be a short cut to both. One historian observed of Johnson: ‘His political world was ridden with conspiracies, false fronts and secret pacts and agendas. Everywhere he turned, he saw a communist or a Kennedy or, in his most hallucinatory moments, a communist Kennedy …at times Johnson seemed […]

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Remote Viewing and the US intelligence community

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] discussed here. As one intelligence source commented on RV programs: ‘In the historical files there are also a number of customer evaluations from the likes of the Secret Service, NSA, the Military Services, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ironically the CIA, reporting (occasionally even in rather glowing terms) the usefulness of remote viewing as […]

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