‘Privatising’ covert action: the case of the Unification Church

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] rightist kuromako, see Nakamura, pp. 16-19; Halloran, p. 2; Roberts (1973), p. 14. Dixon, pp. 211-212. Anderson and Anderson, p. 125. There is some question in my mind as to whether he was a ‘lieutenant’ of Kodama’s as early as 1962, or whether he only became one later. The precise dating could have explanatory […]

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Getting it right: the security agencies in modern society

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] of him,’ I replied. ‘Why?’ It turned out Spencer had been asking questions about a rather sensitive American project whose initials are HAARP which links to various mind control and weather modification projects. This was about the only time I made a correct prediction. I said to the researcher something to the effect that […]

The Threat to Reason

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] being a conflict between radical Islam and ‘the enlightenment’. (12) Some of this came from former members of the Left (Christopher Hitchens and John Lloyd spring to mind) who have become cheerleaders for American imperialism. ‘Politicians most often define the Enlightenment in terms of its opposition to forces of unreason, whether they be jihadis, […]

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Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Research

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] that’ on occasions. Newsnight didn’t say ‘Protheroe isn’t a spook’; or, ‘We’ll check it out’; nor even ‘It sounds unlikely to us, but we’ll bear that in mind’, all of which would have been rational responses. Instead they dismissed what we had said because we were perceived to be offering them something from that […]

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Spook PR

Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] a mosque as a fixture in her Golden Jubilee Year. Instead, they could have countered with an alternative T-shirt that challenged al-Qaida. One, in particular, comes to mind i.e. one imprinted with the image of a dead Roman Catholic priest, his dog-collar grimy, carried from the wreckage of the Twin Towers by the surviving […]

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The Real Gemstone File

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

Introduction In early January the American writer Martin Cannon, whose ‘ Mind Control and the American Government’, was published in Lobster 23, and who has a very interesting letter in this issue, offered me a big piece of his on the so-called Gemstone File. Cannon had got access to some of the original documents […]

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Gordon Winter: Inside BOSS and After

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] to a box number if they were interested in working for a worthy cause. It was carefully worded to appeal to people of a liberal frame of mind and – to discourage chancers – made it clear that there would be no financial reward. The head of BOSS instructed me to answer this advert, […]

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After Iraq: some FCO/SIS issues

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] describe terrorist conduct, including the beheading of hostages, is ‘Armed Propaganda’ (AP). This could backfire and seems vaery like a typically dated, crude attempt at ineffective Anglo-US mind control: ‘the Allies’ are equally adept at AP, albeit of a different type. ‘This Week’, BBC TV, 23 September 2004. 15 Financial Terrorists: An example could […]

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Robert Kennedy and the Middle East connection

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] William Joseph Bryan, by an Onassis middleman.( ) Bryan, who was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Las Vegas, is a likely candidate for the role Sirhan’s mind control Svengali.() Hamshari, targeted by Mossad in December 1972 and later killed on orders from PLO intelligence chief, Abu Iyad, for misappropriating PLO funds – notably […]

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Our American problem

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] this derives from a traditional (and healthy) American disdain for those who put on airs. A word for them in current mid-westese is ‘latte-drinkers’. (‘Frasier’ comes to mind.) But it has gone beyond that now. Kansans despise all urban east- and west-coasters; liberals; intellectuals; vegetarians (Kansas grows a lot of meat); Volvo drivers; effete […]

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