Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and the War on Terrorism

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] the best books on the UK’s intelligence services, up there with Stephen Dorril’s MI6 book, Paul Lashmar and James Oliver’s book on IRD and Richard Aldrich’s The Hidden Hand. Rereading it, I was struck by the following. Although we now know quite a lot about MI5’s recent history, almost none of it has come […]

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Lockerbie, the octopus and the Maltese double cross

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] all 290 Moslems aboard, in Islamic airspace earlier in the year. A warning went out to European airports in early December, 1988, to watch out for bombs hidden in cassette recorders. The American embassy in Helsinki received a message on 5 December, 1988, that ‘within the next few weeks’ there would be an attack […]

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Reflections on the ‘cult of the offensive’

Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] established: ‘Sometime in this period, the American Intelligence community got what apparently was its first look, via the KH-11 , at the completed and operational missile launchers hidden in the side of a hill…. The launchers were left in the open, perhaps deliberately, making it much easier for American photo-interpreters to spot them.’(12) This […]

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Hitler’s Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth and Neo-Nazism

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] and it became in many countries a criminal offence to subscribe to or propagate such views. Goodrick-Clarke shows how the new generation of ultra-rightists have, as ever, hidden behind an array of diversionary symbols: the Knights Templar, ancient civilisations, ley lines, deluges, Atlantis, the hollow earth (also a favourite pre-1945), Nazi UFOs, alien abductions, […]

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Abuse Your Illusions: the Disinformation guide to media mirages and establishment lies

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] event that triggered everything off, 9/11. Russ Kick here presents a fairly comprehensive piece, which should, if nothing else, make readers question the received wisdom on this. Hidden History is the theme for the fifth section. One very topical item is Ovidio Diaz-Espino’s wonderful piece about the building of the Panama Canal (instead of […]

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MacV-Sog Command History: Annexes A, N, and M (1964-66)

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] One of the POWs claimed to be the officer who wrote the North Vietnamese navy’s assessment of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Intrigued by this peek at hidden history, Tourison let the man rattle on. Unfortunately, neither the POW nor Tourison was in complete control of the facts. Tourison still thinks — as do […]

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Everything is going to change

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] as dramatic as that of Obama’s race, was a contentious one, and not just in my school-yard. It was presented more along the lines of Obama’s alleged hidden loyalty to Islam: a Catholic president, it was argued, would be subservient to his master in Rome. That Kennedy’s own political strategists brought the issue into […]

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Conspiracy Culture: From the Kennedy Assassination to The X-Files

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] novels, those seven seconds of mayhem in Dealey Plaza have been relentlessly examined for clues not just to a plot to kill the President, but to the hidden agenda of the last four decades of American history.’ A cute phrase, that: ‘seven seconds of mayhem.’ But, mayhem? I can think of many words to […]

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Moscow Gold: ‘the Communist threat’ in post-war Britain

Lobster Issue 25 (1993) £££

[…] National Industrial Committee of the CP’. (10) The 1962 series of articles in the Sunday Times by the Tory MP Aidan Crawley, reprinted as a pamphlet, The Hidden Face of British Communism, had Kerrigan and the ‘advisory committees which meet in secret to decide how party policy is to be applied to their own […]

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Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] Terror’ on UK libraries, see John Pateman, ‘Libraries and liberty’, Public Library Journal, 23 (30), Autumn 2008, pp. 30-32. Karen M. Douglas and Robbie M. Sutton, ‘The hidden impact of conspiracy theories: perceived and actual influence of theories surrounding the death of Princess Diana’, The Journal of Social Psychology, 148 (2), April 2008, pp. […]

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