Notes from the Underground, part 4: British Fascism 1983-6 (II)

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] October, 1992. On the subject of ‘youth’, little sophisticated significance can be attached to the various ‘Rock Against Communism’ gigs played by NF-linked bands, although the ‘Anti- Drugs’ campaign launched July 1985 had rather more salience. It is just as well the publicity for the Campaign only featured needles for the injection of hard […]

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Paranoia is what the other guy has

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] clear that the mainstream media have themselves often championed doubtful and sometimes ludicrous fantasies. In the 1950s it was widely accepted in the American media that the drugs trade was driven by a conspiracy between Chinese communists 6 and organised crime – sometimes in the form of left-wing trade unions 7 – in the […]

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Inside the UDA

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

Colin Crawford. London: Pluto Press, 2003, £14.99, p/back   When World-in-Action and Tribune journalist David Boulton published his excellent book, The UVF, 1966-73, (Torc Books, 1974) he bemoaned a near absence of valuable books and journal articles on Loyalism. In contrast to their Republican counterparts, Loyalists do not have a substantive support base overseas; nor … Read more

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Tail piece

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

The three Arrigos In the last Lobster (‘Spookaroonie’, p. 26) I noted the comments on <> of Maria Arrigo, a ‘social psychologist with experience in [intelligence] operations’ asking for evidence of ‘covert weapons experiments in post-war South America’ and wondered what was afoot. It was just an interesting little snippet which I came across at … Read more

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The CIA-Mafia-Narcotics Connection and the U.S. Press

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

Transnationalised Repression; Parafascism and the U.S. The fact remains that prior to about 1970, the invocation of an alleged “national interest” seems to have protected those actively involved in the intelligence-Mafia connection from serious harassment by either the courts or the establishment press. (For the sake of verifiability we shall define the ‘establishment media’ as … Read more

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Web update

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

Thanks again to Terry Hanstock and David Turner for contributions. Although all URLs are checked shortly before publication, occasionally websites unaccountably disappear. Contributions, comments and info welcome – my email address is Secrecy, censorship FOI and released records Freedom of Information Draft Bill Link to the draft FOI Bill (May 1999) and FOI … Read more

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The Gospel according to Saint Jim

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] handling of the trial, transformed into a veritable rodomontade by the D.A.’s claims that he had solved the mystery and counter-allegations that witnesses were subject to truth drugs and hypnosis, as well as by one amazing blunder which effectively sunk the whole case. This blunder concerned one Charles Spiesel, who was exposed in court […]

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Vote-rigging USA

Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

Hi-tech computer voting is now the order-of-the-day in America. In October 2002 the US Administration passed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) which authorised $4 billion for states to use the Direct Recording Election system (DRE) equipment which would have to meet certain standards (set by the Act) by the year 2006. At which point, … Read more

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Remote Viewing

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] a DIA psychic centre in the National Security Agency (NSA); but he fails give details of the paper. On page 18 Rifat makes extensive references to hypnosis, drugs, meditation, ELF and a host of other commonly known factors; yet he fails to produce any evidence to support his comments. On page 19 he makes […]

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Britain spinning in the Sibel Edmonds web

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] her allegations link to British involvement. Unfortunately even this is not simple: for Edmonds’ case touches not only on the nuclear black market, but also on the drugs and money laundering trades, aspects which also have British dimensions. The official response to Edmonds has been to put her under a gag order (under the […]

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