A Spy Alone by Charles Beaumont

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] British political life. Not that any of this is secret. The House of Commons Intelligence and The first was The Andropov Deception by ‘John Rossiter’ (actually Brian Crozier) in issue 10. There is an interview with the author at . His voice has been digitally altered to conceal his identity and I found it […]

Beaumont novel copy

Lobster Issue

[…] British political life. Not that any of this is secret. The House of Commons Intelligence and The first was The Andropov Deception by ‘John Rossiter’ (actually Brian Crozier) in issue 10. There is an interview with the author at . His voice has been digitally altered to conceal his identity and I found it […]

Beaumont novel copy

Lobster Issue

[…] the ‘laundromat’ in ‘Londongrad’ for Russian money and the consequent Russian influence on British political life. The first was The Andropov Deception by ‘John Rossiter’ (actually Brian Crozier) in issue 10. There is an interview with the author at . His voice has been digitally altered to conceal his identity and I found it […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] 76 A Hellfire missile costs upwards of $100,000. 77 A partial biography is at . 27 bases.74 Teacher began this in an essay in Lobster 17 (’Brian Crozier, the Pinay Circle and James Goldsmith’) and he just kept pursuing it, expanding it. This (final?) version is 564 pages, including 603 endnotes, bibliography and appendices. […]

Meltdown UK, and, Crisis and Recovery

Lobster Issue free article
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[PDF file]: […] period he also helped set up Heritage’s London operation, the Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies, while authoring anti-Labour material here alongside his old acquaintance Brian Crozier and 136 Winter 2010 in the United States with Roy Godson (Lobster 31 et seq). He is now director of the Global Policy Institute, a senior […]

When the Lights Went Out, and, Strange Days Indeed

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: Contents Lobster 58 When the Lights Went Out Britain in the Seventies Andy Beckett London: Faber and Faber, 2009, £20.00 7 See Brian Crozier, Free Agent (London: HarperCollins,1993) pp. 131-133. 8 Andrew writes on p. 638 that MI5 was ‘becoming increasingly worried about…..Unison.’ Page 142 Winter 2009/10 Lobster 58 Strange Days Indeed Francis Wheen […]

The miners and the secret state

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] call Alzeimer’s disease and Wilson suspected he might get it and resigned before it developed. And he was exhausted. 12 One of the network’s leading figures, Brian Crozier, who worked for the CIA and IRD, describes briefing Mrs Thatcher in his memoir, Free Agent (London: HarperCollins, 1993) pp. 131-133. Page 74 Winter 2009/10 Lobster […]

The Clandestine Caucus: a minor update

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] with CIA money, into IRIS with anticommunist trade unionists and information from IRD and MI5. IRIS runs through to the mid–1970s and ends up working with Brian Crozier (CIA, IRD) and Charles Elwell (MI5). All this state-funded anti-CPGB activity in the post-war era occurred because it was believed that the CPGB was or might […]

Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] of Margaret Thatcher. Nor Taylor’s take on the Miami Showband killings which, I have to say, he gets very wrong. He bizarrely states that: The fact that Crozier and McDowell were serving members of the British army’s UDR seemed to confirm, without concrete evidence, the suspicions of many nationalists This year, 2023, is the […]

Taylor Operation Chiffon

Lobster Issue

[…] of Margaret Thatcher. Nor Taylor’s take on the Miami Showband killings which, I have to say, he gets very wrong. He bizarrely states that: The fact that Crozier and McDowell were serving members of the British army’s UDR seemed to confirm, without concrete evidence, the suspicions of many nationalists that collusion was involved in […]

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