Clippings Digest. June/July 1984

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] cynical?) Guardian and Times 15 June Two part account of Data Protection Bill, Times 4 and 5 June Policing Miners National Reporting Centre – profile of its boss, Hall of Humberside. Sunday Times 20 May. It’s operations, relations with Home Office. Guardian 23 June Chief Constables and Anderton, of Greater Manchester, on miners as […]

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The Last Supper: The Mafia, the Masons

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] In the final chapter Willan recounts how a young Silvio Berlusconi joined the P2 secret society a couple of years before it was exposed, and describes P2 boss Gelli’s plan to take control of Italian society by buying the media and the unions, and forming a new kind of political party – some of […]

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Like books we should have so many witnesses?: Some recent JFK literature

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] when he met Oswald in Texas and New Orleans. He saw him daily and got to know him well. Lewis claims Clay Shaw was Guy Bannister’s intelligence boss and that both Jack Ruby and Roscoe White were Camp Street regulars. Presents a convincing picture of the shadowy intelligence world in the Crescent City. The […]

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Rebranding SIS

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] me letters from the US Ambassador to Cairo and Gemal Abdul Nasser ……, plus copies of correspondence between Herbert Hoover (then under secretary of state) and my boss Jim Allen of Booz Allen and Hamilton ………..’. Booz Allen remains one of the global management consultants. Copeland also made the link with the public affairs […]

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Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico: new leads

Lobster Issue 6 (1984) £££

[…] the revelations of Anatoli Golitsyn, informed MI5 that Harold Wilson, then leader of the Labour Party, was a spy. After a few enquiries Sir Roger Hollis, MI5’s boss, told John McCone, then head of the CIA, ‘There is nothing in it’. In 1964 Angleton returned to the subject and said that he had new […]

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Iran on the brink: Rising workers and threats of war

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

Andreas Malm, and Shora Esmailian London: Pluto Press, 2007, P/b £17.99   At a time when Iran is in the news on a daily basis, when war and rumours of war are being constantly circulated and global warming and peak oil are finally filtering into the public consciousness, the release of this book could not … Read more

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Cyberspace Wars: Microprocessing vs. Big Brother

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

Just ten years ago the issues were so simple, the arguments so clean. The concept of hackers was cute and quaint, best understood through Hollywood thrillers like ‘War Games.’ The major media had yet to use the word ‘cyberspace,’ a term just then created by William Gibson in Neuromancer, his first masterpiece in a strange … Read more

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One Boggis-Rolfe or two?: Philby: The Hidden Years

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Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] deliberately undermined by security scandals. No one as yet knows whether or not the Soviets manipulated these scandals but as H J van den Bergh, ex-head of BOSS, used to say to Gordon Winter, ‘They’d be stupid if they didn’t’. Exceptionally so. Rothschild the puppet-master? Perhaps the most interesting part of this book is […]

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Spooks UK

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] from Thatcher. (Guardian 8th December 1983). Simkins spent several of his declining years preparing the massive tome drawing on time expired spy documents, backed by his old boss, Sir Howard Smith, Director General of MI5 until 1982. The veto was a shock since the book was commissioned by the Cabinet Office. It may have […]

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Blairusconi: populism and elite rule

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] his Italian alter ego? Notes For example, shortly after Blair became Prime Minister, Labour was forced to return a £1 million donation from the Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone after it emerged that he had lobbied Blair to delay a ban on the sport being sponsored by the tobacco industry. Martin Jacques, ‘The […]

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