#Issue number (date): Article title
- #1 (1983):
- Spooks – U.S.
- #1 (1983):
- Vatican Connections
- #1 (1983):
- The Anglo-American Establishment From Rhodes To Cliveden
- #2 (1983):
- Introduction
- #2 (1983):
- The Assassination of John Kennedy: An Alternative Hypothesis
- #2 (1983):
- Maria Novotny: From Prague With Love
- #2 (1983):
- Decoding Edward Jay Epstein’s ‘LEGEND’
- #3 (1984):
- Kincoragate: More Bodies
- #3 (1984):
- The Police and Computers: Some Recent Developments
- #3 (1984):
- American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups
- #3 (1984):
- The Activity, Grenada
- #3 (1984):
- Clippings: The Lie Detector Story
- #4 (1984):
- Who Owns Agca? Plots to Kill the Pope
- #4 (1984):
- Western Goals: LA Police Settle For $1.8 million
- #4 (1984):
- Kincoragate – Loose Ends
- #4 (1984):
- The Soviet ‘threat’: “Russia Puts The Brake On Military Spending”
- #4 (1984):
- Northern Ireland &; CIA, Nairac & Phone-tapping
- #4 (1984):
- The Anti-CND Groups. Ingrams
- #4 (1984):
- The CIA and Mountbatten
- #4 (1984):
- Operation Brogue
- #4 (1984):
- Bank-havens: Exposures Of The Rich
- #4 (1984):
- In Brief
- #4 (1984):
- Book reviews
- #5 (1984):
- Editorially
- #5 (1984):
- Golitsyn
- #5 (1984):
- Things Israeli
- #5 (1984):
- Publications
- #6 (1984):
- Editorially
- #6 (1984):
- Changing the guard: Notes on the Round Table network and its offspring
- #6 (1984):
- Who’s afraid of the KGB
- #6 (1984):
- Reading Italy
- #6 (1984):
- Clippings Digest. June/July 1984
- #6 (1984):
- Publications and Book Reviews
- #7 (1985):
- Editorially
- #7 (1985):
- A conversation with Peter Dale Scott
- #7 (1985):
- Kennedy assassination miscellany: Book Reviews
- #7 (1985):
- Parapolitical bits and pieces
- #8 (1985):
- Editorially
- #8 (1985):
- Korkala, Terpil and Ireland
- #8 (1985):
- The Men with the Guns
- #8 (1985):
- The Secret War
- #8 (1985):
- The Uneasy Relationship
- #8 (1985):
- The Flight of KAL 007: evidence of conspiracy
- #8 (1985):
- Coroner to the Stars
- #9 (1985):
- Editorially
- #9 (1985):
- Watergate revisited: Hougan’s ‘Secret Agenda’
- #9 (1985):
- Publications and Book Reviews
- #10 (1986):
- Editorially
- #10 (1986):
- Kitson, Kincora and counter-insurgency in Northern Ireland
- #10 (1986):
- The Andropov Deception
- #10 (1986):
- The Kennedys: An American Drama
- #10 (1986):
- Journals
- #12 (1986):
- The British Right – scratching the surface
- #12 (1986):
- Digression No. 1: Don Martin
- #12 (1986):
- Common Cause
- #12 (1986):
- The Monday Club
- #12 (1986):
- Digression 2: Gerry Gable
- #12 (1986):
- Society for Individual Freedom
- #12 (1986):
- The World Anti-Communist League and its British Connections
- #12 (1986):
- Digression 3
- #12 (1986):
- The anti-union/strike-breaking organisations
- #12 (1986):
- Edward Martell - the bridge
- #13 (1987):
- Contents
- #13 (1987):
- The British Watergate
- #13 (1987):
- The View From MI5
- #13 (1987):
- More Notes on the Right
- #13 (1987):
- Terrorism: how the West can win
- #13 (1987):
- Inside the League
- #13 (1987):
- The Holocaust Denial
- #13 (1987):
- Get Gough! The loans affair conspiracy
- #13 (1987):
- Books and Pamphlets
- #13 (1987):
- Articles
- #14 (1987):
- Irangate and Secret Arms-for-Hostage Deal
- #14 (1987):
- Colin Wallace - an assessment
- #14 (1987):
- The Ulster Citizen Army smear
- #14 (1987):
- The smearing of Colin Wallace
- #14 (1987):
- Clockwork Orange 2 Jottings
- #14 (1987):
- Information Policy Brief on the Ulster Citizens' Army
- #14 (1987):
- Northern Ireland Act 1974
- #14 (1987):
- US involvement in the Fiji coup d'etat
- #15 (1988):
- Contents
- #15 (1988):
- Smearing Wallace and Holroyd
- #15 (1988):
- Christic’s version of Dealey Plaza
- #15 (1988):
- The Tory Right between the wars
- #15 (1988):
- Fiji coup update
- #15 (1988):
- Origins of the Vigilant State. Honeytrap. A Putney Plot
- #15 (1988):
- Journals
- #16 (1988):
- The British Right
- #16 (1988):
- Friends of the British Secret State
- #16 (1988):
- Overthrowing Whitlam
- #16 (1988):
- Deep Black: the secrets of space espionage (Book Review) & Journals
- #17 (1988):
- Wallace: Information Policy in fiction
- #17 (1988):
- More forgeries
- #17 (1988):
- Brian Crozier, the Pinay Circle and James Goldsmith
- #17 (1988):
- PSYOPS in the 1980s
- #17 (1988):
- The 'Terrorist Threat' in Britain
- #17 (1988):
- Hess, 'Hess' and the 'peace Party' (Book review)
- #17 (1988):
- Print: Journals and book review
- #18 (1989):
- Gordon Winter: Inside BOSS and After
- #19 (1990):
- In a Common Cause: the Anti-Communist Crusade in Britain 1945-60
- #19 (1990):
- Truth Twisting: notes on disinformation
- #19 (1990):
- Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Research
- #22 (1991):
- The Anglo-Rhodesian Society
- #22 (1991):
- Splinter Factor
- #22 (1991):
- Another Pinay sighting
- #22 (1991):
- ELF update
- #22 (1991):
- Contemporary British History 1931-61: politics and the limits of policy
- #22 (1991):
- Puppet Masters: the political use of terrorism in Italy
- #22 (1991):
- Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton
- #22 (1991):
- Magazines, journals etc.
- #22 (1991):
- A review of the (bad) reviews of Smear! Wilson and the Secret State
- #23 (1992):
- Heritage of Stone; JFK and JFK
- #23 (1992):
- SNAFU in Dallas
- #23 (1992):
- There’s no smear like an old smear
- #23 (1992):
- The CIA and the Marshall Planks
- #23 (1992):
- Thatcher's People
- #23 (1992):
- England and the Aeroplane
- #23 (1992):
- Right Woos Left; Populist Party, LaRouchian and other neo-fascist overtures to Progressives; and why they must be rejected
- #23 (1992):
- The Coors Connection; How Coors Family Philanthropy Undermines Democratic Pluralism
- #23 (1992):
- The Campus Connection: Military Research on Campus
- #23 (1992):
- The Intelligence Game: Illusions and Delusions of International Espionage
- #23 (1992):
- Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK
- #23 (1992):
- Ratlines
- #24 (December 1992):
- Our Searchlight problem
- #24 (December 1992):
- Big Boys Rules
- #25 (1993):
- It's raining Lobsters
- #25 (1993):
- The covert origins of the Biafran War
- #25 (1993):
- Clinton and Quigley: a strange tale from the U.S. elite
- #25 (1993):
- I am being slagged off, therefore I am
- #25 (1993):
- Harold Wilson
- #25 (1993):
- Official and Confidential:The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover
- #25 (1993):
- Book reviews: David Stirling. Gemstone File. Eustace Clarence Mullins
- #25 (1993):
- Sources
- #26 (1993):
- Searchlight again
- #26 (1993):
- ...MI5 goes on forever
- #26 (1993):
- Crozier country: Free Agent: the unseen war 1941-1991
- #26 (1993):
- Silent Coup: the Removal of Richard Nixon
- #26 (1993):
- Trick or Treason: the October Surprise Mystery
- #26 (1993):
- Eclipse: the last days of the CIA
- #26 (1993):
- A Game of Moles: the Deceptions of an MI6 Officer
- #26 (1993):
- The Faber book of Espionage
- #26 (1993):
- Let the Petals Fall
- #26 (1993):
- Deadly Illusions
- #27 (1994):
- Mrs Thatcher, North Sea oil and the hegemony of the City
- #27 (1994):
- The Searchlight saga continued
- #27 (1994):
- ELF, microwaves, etc. update
- #27 (1994):
- The Enemy Within (Whitehall)
- #27 (1994):
- Fred Holroyd in America
- #27 (1994):
- The 'Wilson plots' and related parapolitics (Book review)
- #27 (1994):
- The murder of Hilda Murrell: ten years on
- #27 (1994):
- The Man Who Knew Too Much
- #27 (1994):
- The Last Investigation, and, Deep Politics
- #27 (1994):
- The New Spies: Exploring the Frontiers of Espionage
- #27 (1994):
- Sources: Journals
- #28 (December 1994):
- In Brief. Libya. Syria and the Gulf oil war. Lester Coleman
- #28 (December 1994):
- The Round Table Again
- #28 (December 1994):
- Mind control
- #28 (December 1994):
- MI5: New Threats for Old? Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War
- #28 (December 1994):
- The View from the Bridge
- #28 (December 1994):
- Searchlight yet again
- #28 (December 1994):
- Don't Mention The War: Northern Ireland, Propaganda and the Media
- #28 (December 1994):
- Spies at Work
- #28 (December 1994):
- More Book Reviews
- #28 (December 1994):
- Journals
- #29 (1995):
- Britain's Role in Human Nuclear Experiments: what's been did and what's been hid
- #29 (1995):
- Kennedy Miscellany
- #29 (1995):
- The View From The Bridge
- #29 (1995):
- Defector Politics: or, grooving with Mr G.
- #29 (1995):
- Enemies Within?
- #29 (1995):
- Spymaster
- #29 (1995):
- The Perfect English Spy
- #29 (1995):
- Fool's Gold: The Story of North Sea Oil
- #29 (1995):
- Sources
- #30 (December 1995):
- The View from the Bridge
- #30 (December 1995):
- Conspiracy theories are go!
- #30 (December 1995):
- The Ambiguities of Power
- #30 (December 1995):
- The Enemy Within; the IRA's War Against the British
- #30 (December 1995):
- Foreign Agent 4221: The Lockerbie Cover-up
- #30 (December 1995):
- The Private Life of Public Relations
- #31 (June 1996):
- Loose cuts and short ends
- #31 (June 1996):
- Profits of Peace: The Political Economy of Anglo-German Appeasement
- #31 (June 1996):
- Scott et al
- #31 (June 1996):
- Economic Fundamentalism: a Laboratory Experiment
- #31 (June 1996):
- The Nemesis File: the true story of an SAS execution squad
- #31 (June 1996):
- The Kincora Scandal
- #31 (June 1996):
- Winning Hearts and Minds: British Governments, the Media and Colonial Counter-Insurgency 1944-60
- #31 (June 1996):
- Intercepting Number Stations
- #31 (June 1996):
- The Great Alliance: Economic Recovery and the Problems of Power 1945-51
- #31 (June 1996):
- Defrauding America: a pattern of related scandals
- #31 (June 1996):
- Science of Coercion: Communication Research and Psychological Warfare 1945-60
- #31 (June 1996):
- Lifting the Lid: A Guide to Investigative Research
- #31 (June 1996):
- Sources. Publications etc
- #32 (December 1996):
- The state in politics: Wallace, Holroyd and Lobster
- #32 (December 1996):
- The view from the bridge
- #32 (December 1996):
- UK Eyes Alpha: the Inside Story of British Intelligence
- #32 (December 1996):
- From Empire to Commonwealth: a Biography of Lionel Curtis
- #32 (December 1996):
- I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels
- #32 (December 1996):
- Orders to Kill: the Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King
- #32 (December 1996):
- NASA, Nazis & JFK: the Torbitt Document and the JFK Assassination
- #32 (December 1996):
- Students and the Cold War
- #32 (December 1996):
- The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro
- #32 (December 1996):
- Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network
- #32 (December 1996):
- The Fortean Times Book of the Millennium
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Contamination, the Labour Party, nationalism and the Blairites
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Spooks and the EEC
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- The View from the Bridge
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Notes on contamination
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Obituaries
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- The Secret War for the Falklands
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- The KGB Lawsuits
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- New Cloak, Old Dagger: How Britain's Spies Came In From The Cold
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Rinkagate: The Rise and Fall of Jeremy Thorpe
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Knee Deep in Dishonour: The Scott Report and its aftermath
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Remote Viewers, and, Psychic Warrior
- #33 (Summer 1997):
- Sources
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- Extracts from the Testimony of Harlan Girard
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- Our Secret Servants: the Shayler affair
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- The View from the Bridge. British American Project. Teddy Taylor MP. New Labour
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- Back to the future: the 1970s reconsidered
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- Are spies useless? A Hack's Progress
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- Secrecy and Power in the British State: A History of the Official Secrets Act
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- The Business of Death: Britain's Arms Trade at Home and Abroad
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- In the Name of the 'New World Order'
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- History Will Not Absolve Us (Book review)
- #34 (Winter 1997):
- Sources
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Did Churchill reveal the pending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to Roosevelt two weeks before it happened?
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- The View from the Bridge. Psy-ops. Common Cause. Larry Flynt. Hepple/Matthews. John Ware
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Obituaries
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Steady as she goes: Labour and the spooks
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- The Age of Insecurity
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- The Great Deception: Anglo-American Power and World Order
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies and the CIA in Central America
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Assassination Science: Experts Speak Out On the Death of JFK
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Hidden Agendas
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- America and the British Labour Party: The Special Relationship At Work
- #35 (Summer 1998):
- Sources
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- Old spooks' tales
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- The mind control story continues
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- The view from the bridge. Hidden Agendas. Jack Hill. Ghandi. Sinn Fein. Oswald
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- The Committee
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- The Valkyrie Operation
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- A War of Words: a Cold War Witness
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- Price of Power
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- Eternal Vigilance? 50 years of the CIA
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- Briefly: Ideas. Blitz to Blair. Covert Network. etc
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- Sources: Spectre. CAQ, etc
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- The View from the Bridge
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Official: CIA does mean Cocaine Importing Agency after all
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- New Labour Notes
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Spooks. Hollis. Tomlinson
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Britain's Secret Propaganda War
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Spy Flights of the Cold War
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- This Blessed Plot: Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Mind Controllers
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Flying Saucers over Los Angeles
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Philby: The Hidden Years
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Cowboys into Gentlemen: Rhodes Scholars, Oxford, and the Creation of an American Elite
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Looking for Trouble: The Life and Times of a Foreign Correspondent
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Fascism: Theory and Practice
- #37 (Summer 1999):
- Sources: Roundtable. U.N. Lockerbie, etc
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- The view from the bridge. JFK. Waco. Oklahoma. Timor. Moral Rearmament Movement
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Northern Ireland redux
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- The Libyans and the death of WPC Yvonne Fletcher
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- New World Disorders: Bilderberg, Trilateral and the European Union
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- One Boggis-Rolfe or two?: Philby: The Hidden Years
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- The Cyprus Conspiracy: America, Espionage and the Turkish Invasion
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Inside the Gemstone File
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Defending the Realm: MI5 and the Shayler Affair
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Drugging America: a Trojan Horse
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, and, The Haunted Wood
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Who paid the piper? The CIA and the cultural cold war
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the press and 'Project Truth'
- #38 (Winter 1999):
- Briefly
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Euro-bound? Or: the same river twice
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- A Note on MRA, CIA and L. Ron. Hubbard
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Microwaves and mind control
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Nexus: postmodernism or what?
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- The View From the Bridge: Gerry Gable. Melita Norwood. Kosovo. Tomlinson
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Right meets Left
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Where’s Ware?
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Europe Inc and Blowing the Whistle
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- USA & the CIA
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Secret State, Silent Press: new militarism, the Gulf and the modern image of warfare
- #39 (Summer 2000):
- Storming teacups! Or: Steve Dorril, Lobster and me
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Disinformation: From Euros to UFOs
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- The View from the Bridge: Blair. IMF. Bilderberg, etc
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Spook-wise: MI6 and Clare Short
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Unfinished Business: state killings and the quest for truth
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Private Warriors
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Rogue State and Globalize This!
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Gassed: British Chemical Warfare Experiments on Humans at Porton Down
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Articles of Resistance
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Margaret Thatcher: Vol 1: The Grocer's Daughter
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Sources
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Weather wars? (US Military weather modifications)
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- The People Zapper (Microwave beam device)
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Spooks
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- The View from the Bridge
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Getting it right: the security agencies in modern society
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Was the 1974 oil price hike engineered by the Bilderberg group
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Jim Hougan's Watergate theory tested in court
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- The Big Breach
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Cyberculture: Counterconspiracy
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Wake Up Down There! The Excluded Middle Collection
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- The Third Secret: the CIA, Solidarity and the KGB's plot to kill the Pope
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- New Labour's foreign policy: a new moral crusade?
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- From roll back to blowback
- #41 (Summer 2001):
- Termini
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- UFOs and disinformation
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Spooks and the House of Commons
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Cold War Stories
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Rolling Back Revolution: The Emergence of Low Intensity Conflict
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Maury Island UFO: the Crisman Conspiracy
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Democratizing the Global Economy: The Battle Against the World Bank and the IMF
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Socialist Renewal publications
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Notes from the Borderland, no. 4
- #42 (Winter 2001/2):
- Sources
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Blair and Israel
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Nazi UFOs Debunked
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Mind control etc
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Obituaries
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- The view from the bridge
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Smearing Robert Henderson
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- More views from the bridge
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Them: adventures with extremists
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Acid: a new secret history of LSD
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- The Conspirators: secrets of an Iran-Contra insider
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- West-Bloc Dissident: A Cold War Memoir
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Public Servant, Secret Agent: The Elusive Life and Violent Death of Airey Neave
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Recollections of an errant politician
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Market Killing: What the free market does and what social scientists can do about it
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Cloak and Dollar, and, Know Your Enemy
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- UFOs (Book Review)
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- The Rich At Play: Foxhunting, land ownership and the 'Countryside Alliance'
- #43 (Summer 2002):
- Sources
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- New Labour Notes
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Faking it
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- The View from the Bridge
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Sudan and slavery: disinformation and the Telegraph group
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Updates
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Sources
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Obituaries
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- British Counter-Insurgency
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Everything You Know is Wrong: the Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- My Granny Made Me an Anarchist: The Christie File: Part 1, 1946-64
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Value Wars: The Global Market versus the Life Economy
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- The Making of New Labour's European Policy
- #44 (Winter 2002/3):
- Pariah: Misfortunes of the British Kingdom
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Lying about Iraq
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The Man from the FRU
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The attack on the USS Liberty
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The View from the Bridge
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Baghdad’s Spy: A Personal Memoir of Espionage and Intrigue from Iraq to London
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Denis Healey
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Conservative Radicalism: a Sociology of Conservative Party Youth Structures and Libertarianism 1970-1992
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The Last Empire: Essays 1992-2001
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Southeast Asia: A Testament
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- The Thimble Riggers: The Dublin Arms Trials of 1970
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Portrait of a Terrorist State: A Summary of the Ordeal of Political Captives in Turkish Prisons
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Killing Detente: the Right Attacks the CIA
- #45 (Summer 2003):
- Updates
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Iraq misc.
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Who shot JFK
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Updates
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- The View from the Bridge
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Weird/not weird
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Drugs, oil and war
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Defending the Realm: Inside MI5 and the War on Terrorism
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- From Bevan to Blair: 50 years reporting from the political front line
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Conspiracy: Plots, Lies and Cover-ups
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Weapons of Mass Deception and Regime Unchanged
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- The Angry Brigade: A history of Britain's first urban guerilla group
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold
- #46 (Winter 2003):
- Gaian Democracies: Redefining globalisation and people-power
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Lobster Issue 47: Contents
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Iraq
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- The view from the Bridge
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- JFK: Oswald? Which one?
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Stakeknife and Mad Dog
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- A Very British Jihad
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Reflections On the Justice of Roosting Chickens
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- The New Pearl Harbour
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Tell me lies
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Fleshing Out Skull and Bones
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- If Truth be Told
- #47 (Summer 2004):
- Who Killed Patrick Quinn?
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- Iraq
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- The view from the bridge
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- 9-11
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- A load of Balls
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- NB
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- Banana Republicans
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- A Pretext for War; Ghost Wars
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- The Strength of the Wolf
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- Edward Heath made me angry
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- Alastair Campbell (Book review)
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- The Fluoride Deception
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- Imperial America
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of all Time
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- The Syndicate
- #48 (Winter 2004):
- JFK and joint US-Soviet space exploration
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Iraq
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Paul Foot 1938 – 2004
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- The view from the bridge
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Secrecy and Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Freeing the World to Death: essays on the American empire
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- The Great Unravelling: From boom to bust in three scandalous years
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Confessions of an Economic Hitman
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Gordon Brown
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- A Century of War: Anglo-American oil politics and the new world order
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Morningside Mata Haris: How MI6 deceived Scotland's great and good
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- The CIA, the British Left and the Cold War: Calling the Tune?
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Spinning the Spies: Intelligence, open government and the Hutton Inquiry
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- The Rise of Political Lying
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers
- #49 (Summer 2005):
- Sources
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Tittle-tattle
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- The big one? 9:11 Revealed. Challenging the facts behind the War on Terror
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- The view from the bridge
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Trouble makers
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Understanding others
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, national security and the creation of a modern UFO myth
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Downing Street Diary: With Harold Wilson in No. 10
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft: book 1, The Nine
- #50 (Winter 2005/6):
- Tailpiece
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- America, drugs, corruption and the British national interest
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- The view from the bridge
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- What’s been did and hid
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- Empire and Superempire
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- Freedom from America: For safeguarding democracy and the economic and cultural integrity of peoples
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- Anti-totalitarianism: The left-wing case for a neo-conservative foreign policy
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- The New Public Diplomacy: Soft power in international relations
- #51 (Summer 2006):
- Ultimate Sacrifice
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Obituaries: Donald Allen & Reuben Falber
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Yo, Blair!
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- The view from the bridge
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Sources
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Armed Madhouse
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- The Open Side of Secrecy: Britain’s Intelligence and Security Committee
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Spychips: How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Outlaws of America: The Weather Undergound and the Politics of Solidarity
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Brainwash: The secret history of mind control
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- Plundering the Public Sector
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- The Intelligence Files: Today’s secrets, tomorrow’s scandals
- #52 (Winter 2006/7):
- The Cliveden Set
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Steady Eddie blows the gaff
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Inside Gordon’s head
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- The view from the bridge
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Iraq
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- MI5 and the threat from the left in the 1970s
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- At Her Majesty’s Secret Service: The Chiefs of Britain’s Intelligence Agency, MI6
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Someone would have talked
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Londonistan: How Britain is creating a terror state within
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Controlling the Human Mind
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Your Right to Know: A citizen’s guide to the Freedom of Information Act
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Travesty: The trial of Slobodan Milosevic
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- The 1975 Referendum on Europe
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- The Last Supper: The Mafia, the Masons
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- Apartheid’s friends
- #53 (Summer 2007):
- The Westminster Whistleblowers
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- New Labour news
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- The view from the bridge
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- Brothers
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- Spy Wars
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- Who Really Runs the World? and, Who’s Watching You?
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- The History of Espionage
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- Fantasy Island
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- The True Story of the Bilderberg Group
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- The Threat to Reason
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- 9/11: The new evidence
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- A Bush and Botox World
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- The Road to 9/11
- #54 (Winter 2007/8):
- Just War: Psychology and Terrorism
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- The biggest of big lies?
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Mind control
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- The View from the Bridge
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Philip Agee, the KGB and us
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Sources
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Israel and the Clash of Civilisations
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Deception
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- A Century of Spin
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Britain, America and Anti-Communist Propaganda 1945-53
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Psi Spies
- #55 (Summer 2008):
- Dr Mary’s Monkey
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- The electromagnetic world
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- The view from the bridge
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- Politics and Paranoia
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- Stalin’s granny
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- It’s the economy, stupid
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- The gentleman in velvet
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- The getting elected project
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- Here, there and everywhere
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- Briefly
- #56 (Winter 2008/9):
- Tail piece
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Why are we with Uncle Sam?
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- The crisis
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- It’s all Jacques to me
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Still hazy after all these years
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- The view from the bridge
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Politics and Paranoia
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Sources
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- In Government We Trust
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Within The Secret State: a disturbing study of the use and misuse of power
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Marching to the fault line: The 1984 miners’ strike and the death of industrial Britain
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- On the Trail of the JFK Assassins
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Terrorism and Intelligence in Australia
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- The CIA and the Culture of Failure
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Welcome to Mars: Fantasies of Science in the American Century 1947-1959
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History
- #57 (Summer 2009):
- Tittle-Tattle
- #24 (December 1992):
- The Red Hand
- #36 (Winter 1998/9):
- Peter's friends?
- #40 (Winter 2000/1):
- Book bargain of the year
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- Parish Notices
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- The economic crisis
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- The miners and the secret state
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- The meaning of subservience to America
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- The view from the bridge
- #59 (Summer 2010):
- Parish Notices
- #59 (Summer 2010):
- The view from the bridge
- #59 (Summer 2010):
- The economic crisis
- #59 (Summer 2010):
- Sources
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- Parish Notices
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- The crisis
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- Well, how did we get here?
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- Thatcher versus the City of London
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- The View from the Bridge
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- The economic crisis continues
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- Her Majesty’s secret servants
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- The crisis
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- Bilderberg People: elite power and consensus in world affairs by Ian N. Richardson et al
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- Watergate Exposed How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up as told to Douglas Caddy, original attorney for the Watergate Seven by Robert Merrit
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- Betrayal in Dallas: LBJ, the Pearl Street Mafia, and the Murder of President Kennedy by Mark North
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- The Atlantic and its Enemies: a personal history of the Cold War by Norman Stone
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- A Thorn in Their Side: The Hilda Murrell murder by Robert Green with Kate Dewes
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- Area 51: An uncensored history of America’s top secret military base by Annie Jacobsen
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- Back from the brink by Alistair Darling
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- The rise of New Labour
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- Everybody now loves widgets!
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- The CIA conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer and their vision for world peace by Peter Janney
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- Romeo Spy by John Alexander Symonds
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- A Diplomat’s Day by Geoffrey F. Hancock
- #64 (Winter 2012):
- A Memoir of Injustice by Jerry Ray
- #64 (Winter 2012):
- GLADIO: NATO’s dagger at the Heart of Europe; the Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis by Richard Cottrell
- #64 (Winter 2012):
- Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form by Robert Guffey
- #64 (Winter 2012):
- Ritual America Secret Brotherhoods and their influence on American society A Visual Guide by Adam Parfrey and Craig Heimbichner
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- Estes, LBJ and Dallas
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- Iraq and intelligence
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- The secret library of Georges Armoulian by Anthony Frewin
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison case by James DiEugenio
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- Classified: Secrecy and the state in modern Britain by Christopher Moran
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- Conspiracy theory in America by Lance deHaven-Smith
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- Gangsterismo: The United States, Cuba and the Mafia: 1933 to 1966 by Jack Colhoun
- #66 (Winter 2013):
- What if…
- #66 (Winter 2013):
- Understanding Shadows The Corrupt Use of Intelligence by Michael Quilligan
- #66 (Winter 2013):
- Spinfluence: the Hardcore Propaganda Manual for Controlling the Masses by Nicholas McFarlane
- #66 (Winter 2013):
- The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ by Roger Stone with Mike Colapietro
- #67 (Summer 2014):
- The Atlantic Semantic
- #67 (Summer 2014):
- Adequately Explained by Stupidity? Lockerbie, Luggage and Lies by Morag G. Kerr
- #67 (Summer 2014):
- Life during wartime Resisting counterinsurgency by Kristian Williams et al
- #67 (Summer 2014):
- Secret Life of Uri Geller:CIA masterspy? by Jonathan Margolis
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- The Conspiracy and Democracy Project
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- The Rise of New Labour: Into Office
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- White House Call Girl: The Real Watergate Story by Phil Stanford
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- The President and the Provocateur: The parallel lives of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald by Alex Cox
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- The Hawks of Peace: Notes of the Russian ambassador by Dmitry Rogozin
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- Lethal Allies: British Collusion in Ireland by Anne Cadwallader
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- The view from the bridge
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- Chauncey Holt and the three ‘tramps’ on Dealey Plaza
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- The Secret War Between the Wars MI5 in the 1920s and 1930s by Kevin Quinlan
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- Method and Madness: The hidden story of Israel’s assaults on Gaza Norman G. Finkelstein
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- The JFK Assassination Diary: My search for answers to the mystery of the century by Edward Jay Epstein
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- Deception in High Places: a history of bribery in Britain’s arms trade by Nicholas Gilby
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- That option no longer exists: Britain 1974-76 by John Medhurst
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- The American deep state: Wall Street, big oil and the attack on U.S. democracy by Peter Dale Scott
- #69 (Summer 2015):
- The EU: A Corporatist Racket: How the European Union was created by global corporatism for global corporatism by David Barnby
- #70 (Winter 2015):
- Chameleo: A strange but true story of invisible spies, heroin addiction and Homeland Security by Robert Guffey
- #70 (Winter 2015):
- Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists by Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain
- #71 (Summer 2016):
- Oh, conspiracy!
- #71 (Summer 2016):
- My Turn: Hillary Clinton targets the presidency by Doug Henwood
- #71 (Summer 2016):
- Haters, Baiters and Would-be Dictators: Anti-Semitism and UK Far Right by Nick Toczek
- #71 (Summer 2016):
- Chaos and Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East by Patrick Cockburn
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- The view from the bridge
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- British Counterinsurgency by John Newsinger
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- Europe Isn’t Working by Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- The writer with no hands by Matthew Alford
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- Britain’s Secret Wars: How and Why the United Kingdom sponsors conflict around the world by T. J. Coles
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- The Neoconservative Threat to World Order: Washington’s perilous war for hegemony by Paul Craig Roberts
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- Finks: How the CIA tricked the World’s Best Writers by Joel Whitney
- #72 (Winter 2016):
- Cold War Anthropology: The CIA, the Pentagon and the growth of dual use anthropology by David H. Price
- #73 (Summer 2017):
- Colin Wallace and the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
- #73 (Summer 2017):
- Blair and Israel
- #73 (Summer 2017):
- Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace in the robber baron culture of Texas by Joan Mellen
- #75 (Summer 2018):
- Hugh who? (Hugh Mooney)
- #75 (Summer 2018):
- The Darkest Sides of Politics I & II by Jeffrey M Bale
- #76 (Winter 2018):
- Disrupt and Deny: Spies, Special Forces, and the Secret Pursuit of British Foreign Policy by Rory Cormac
- #76 (Winter 2018):
- The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: Crime, Conspiracy and Cover-Up – A New Investigation by Tim Tate and Brad Johnson
- #76 (Winter 2018):
- Creating Chaos: Covert Political Warfare, from Truman to Putin by Larry Hancock
- #77 (Summer 2019):
- Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World by Adam Tooze
- #79 (Summer 2020):
- We don’t need no…
- #79 (Summer 2020):
- The Crash of Flight 3804: A Lost Spy, a Daughter’s Quest and the Deadly Politics of the Great Game for Oil by Charlotte Dennett
- #80 (Winter 2020):
- How our politicians helped to kill UK manufacturing
- #80 (Winter 2020):
- Presstitutes: Embedded in the Pay of the CIA. A Confession from The Profession by Udo Ulfkotte
- #80 (Winter 2020):
- The Lone Star Speaks: Untold Texas Stories about the JFK Assassination by Sara Peterson and K. W. Zachry
- #80 (Winter 2020):
- Secret History: Writing the Rise of Britain’s Intelligence Services by Simon Ball
- #81 (Summer 2021):
- The British Gladio and the murder of Sergeant Speed (appendices)
- #81 (Summer 2021):
- Signs of the times
- #81 (Summer 2021):
- The Spy Who Was Left Out in the Cold by Tim Tate
- #82 (Winter 2021):
- Cummings, Greensill and all that
- #82 (Winter 2021):
- Dark Quadrant: Organized Crime, Big Business, and the Corruption of American Democracy From Truman to Trump by Jonathan Marshall
- #82 (Winter 2021):
- John Stonehouse book reviews
- #82 (Winter 2021):
- White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa by Susan Williams
- #83 (Summer 2022):
- The view from the bridge
- #83 (Summer 2022):
- Dallas again
- #83 (Summer 2022):
- The Spy Who Would be Tzar: The Mystery of Michal Goleniewski and the Far-Right Underground by Kevin Coogan
- #83 (Summer 2022):
- The Colonel and I: My Life With Gaddafi by Daad Sharab
- #84 (Winter 2022):
- States of Emergency: Keeping the global population in check by Kees van der Pijl
- #85 (Summer 2023):
- Britannia Unchained, by Kwasi Kwarteng , Elizabeth Truss et al
- #85 (Summer 2023):
- Operation Mindfuck: QAnon and the cult of Donald Trump, by Robert Guffey
- #85 (Summer 2023):
- The view from the bridge
- #85 (Summer 2023):
- Conspiracy theories in the time of Covid-19, by Clare Birchall and Peter Knight
- #86 (2023):
- Avoiding Apocalypse: How Science and Scientists Ended the Cold War
- #86 (2023):
- WEAPONISING ANTI-SEMITISM: How The Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn
- #59 (Summer 2010):
- America’s Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity by Campbell Caig and Frederick Logevall
- #28 (December 1994):
- The liberal apocalypse; or understanding the 70s and 80s
- #86 (2023):
- Pisces Moon: The Dark Arts of Empire by Douglas Valentine
- #87 (2023):
- On Disinformation: How to fight for truth and protect democracy by Lee McIntyre
- #81 (Summer 2021):
- The British Gladio and the murder of Sergeant Speed
- #65 (Summer 2013):
- The View from the Bridge
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- The Two Goulds
- #87 (2023):
- The View from the Bridge
- #11 (April 1986):
- Wilson, MI5 and the rise of Thatcher
- #Clandestine Caucus (1996):
- The Clandestine Caucus
- #88 (2024):
- The Clandestine Caucus: a minor update
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- The View from the Bridge
- #62 (Winter 2011):
- The View from the Bridge
- #63 (Summer 2012):
- The View from the Bridge
- #64 (Winter 2012):
- The View from the Bridge
- #80 (Winter 2020):
- The view from the bridge
- #79 (Summer 2020):
- The view from the bridge
- #78 (Winter 2019):
- The view from the bridge
- #77 (Summer 2019):
- The view from the bridge
- #76 (Winter 2018):
- The view from the bridge
- #82 (Winter 2021):
- The view from the bridge
- #75 (Summer 2018):
- The view from the bridge
- #74 (Winter 2017):
- The view from the bridge
- #81 (Summer 2021):
- The view from the bridge
- #71 (Summer 2016):
- The view from the bridge
- #70 (Winter 2015):
- The view from the bridge
- #68 (Winter 2014):
- The view from the bridge
- #66 (Winter 2013):
- The view from the bridge
- #70 (Winter 2015):
- Thatcher’s Secret War by Clive Bloom
- #67 (Summer 2014):
- The view from the bridge
- #78 (Winter 2019):
- The MOSSAD Spy by Olivia Frank
- #88 (2024):
- A Spy Alone by Charles Beaumont
- #86 (2023):
- The view from the bridge
- #77 (Summer 2019):
- MANUFACTURING TERRORISM: When Governments Use Fear to Justify Foreign Wars and Control Society by T. J. Coles
- #77 (Summer 2019):
- Impossible Knowledge: Conspiracy Theories, Power, and Truth by Todor Hristov and The Stigmatization of Conspiracy Theory since the 1950s “A Plot to Make us Look Foolish”by Katharina Thalmann
- #77 (Summer 2019):
- Dirty Tricks Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA by Shane O’Sullivan
- #74 (Winter 2017):
- Adults in the Room: My battle with Europe’s deep establishment by Yanis Varoufakis
- #74 (Winter 2017):
- Still thinking about Dallas
- #75 (Summer 2018):
- Still thinking about Dallas
- #88 (2024):
- The view from the bridge
- #71 (Summer 2016):
- JFK, Chauncey Holt and the three ‘tramps’ redux
- #73 (Summer 2017):
- The view from the bridge
- #89 (2024):
- 1976 and all that: the IMF incident
- #89 (2024):
- DEADLY BETRAYAL: The Truth About Why the United States Invaded Iraq by Dennis Fritz
- #89 (2024):
- TO CATCH A SPY: How the Spycatcher Affair Brought MI5 in from the Cold by Tim Tate
- #89 (2024):
- The view from the bridge
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- When the Lights Went Out by Andy Beckett and Strange Days Indeed by Francis Wheen
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- Spookaroonie!
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- Hollow Hegemony
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- War on Terror Inc. by Solomon Hughes
- #58 (Winter 2009/2010):
- Articles of Faith by Neil Berry
- #59 (Summer 2010):
- Also noticed by Robin Ramsay and Anthony Frewin
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- Reel Power: Hollywood Cinema and American Supremacy by Matthew Alford
- #60 (Winter 2010):
- Anthrax War: Dead silence…..fear and terror on the anthrax trail by Bob Coen and Eric Nadler
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- Real Enemies: Conspiracy Theories and American Democracy, World War 1 to 9/11 by Kathryn S. Olmsted
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- Independent Diplomat: Despatches from an Unaccountable Elite by Carne Ross
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- America’s Nazi Secret by John Loftus
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- The Last Circle: Danny Casolaro’s Investigation into The Octopus and the Promis Software Scandal by Cheri Seymour
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids and the Long Con That Is Breaking America by Matt Taibbi
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- Casa Pia The making of a modern European witch hunt by Richard Webster
- #61 (Summer 2011):
- JFK’s assassination: a big new book and a strange memoir
- #90 (2025):
- The Secret Team
- #25 (1993):
- Moscow Gold: ‘the Communist threat’ in post-war Britain
- #64 (Winter 2012):
- Miscellaneous reviews
- #90 (2025):
- Who really killed Chris Hani? by Chris Nicholson
- #90 (2025):
- The view from the bridge